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Fast Boats Rock Party!!!!

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  • Fast Boats Rock Party!!!!

    Looking to break up those mid winter blues? The Quincy Elks in Quincy, Massachusetts will host the 1st Annual Mid Winter Rock and Blues Jam on Saturday February 6, 2010.

    This will be the first of several fundraisers to benefit the U.S. "A" Team efforts in the 2010 World Championships. The first event will be in Brodenback, Germany during the month of June where the 125CCH class will race for the World Championship. The Team will return to Europe in August for the OSY400 Championship to be held in Mora, Sweden.

    This year Captain Billy Allen will be running the Teams own equipment and will be looking to improve upon last years sixth place podium finish in Tallinn, Estonia. By running their own equipment that is tested and tuned, the Team is optimistic that they can improve upon that finish. Despite running against well funded government and corporate sponsored entries, the Team has figured out the jetty start and propeller selection and now they have a reason to return to the chase.

    In an effort to help fund this monumental undertaking, the Quincy Elks and three bands have generously donated the venue and music to this event. Tickets to the event are $20.00 and the Team would humbly accept your donations to support their efforts. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go directly to the U.S. "A" Team to fund the transporting of their equipment back and forth overseas.

    This is an opportunity for the independent David to go against the high powered Goliath teams and put the USA to the forefront of Outboard Racing. For more information on the U.S. "A" Team you can visit their website at www.ateamboatracing.com, or call Billy @ 1-781-775-9290

    Steve Noury 31-A
    The Trailer Place of New England is a proud supporter of the U.S. "A" team.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by TPLACE31; 01-11-2010, 04:25 PM.

  • #2
    Visualize Multimedia!

    Dang...maybe we can get Dan and HRTV to webcast this thing.....


    "No, THAT is why people hate him."


    • #3
      Rock n Roll and boatracing

      Probably the coolest thing ever.
      Team Red


      • #4
        Team USA

        If I purchase a ticket for the concert, does that get me on the plane for Germany?! This is a great idea Bill, I will definitly support the 'A' team in your quest for gold in Europe. Can't be cheap shipping all the equipment over and back twice. $20 bucks is coming your way, even if I can't make the concert, it's the least I can do to support the only American team. I encourage everyone to get behind Billy and Tony to represent us in Europe, a few sheckles from each of us will go a long way. Greg
        Future J dad!


        • #5
          Be there or be square!!!

          I'll be wearing my dancing shoes!!!!!

          Boston or BUST!!!!
          64W & 22B


          • #6
            US A-Team

            I won't be able to make the party but want to support this great cause! My check is in the mail.

            Good luck Billy AND Tony!
            Last edited by sesailer; 01-12-2010, 05:48 PM.
            Susan Eldredge Sailer


            • #7
              This is really cool ! Lets try to make sure OUR team has what they need to go make us all proud.

              "The Coffee Guy"
              TEAM CAFFEINE
              Cranked up and ready to Roll

              Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

              "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
              " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


              • #8
                Originally posted by jswain3 View Post
                Probably the coolest thing ever.
                Jordan said it all! Wish I could make it up your way for this, sounds like a rockin good time. Billy and Tony have a great chance to put American racing back on top in a big way, help support them any way you can. Go US "A" Team!
                Jon Eldredge Jon Eldredge


                • #9
                  you can bet my $20 will be on its way! weather I can make it down there or not. Billy's one hell of a guy. I showed up first race of the season back in '08.. I had everything I needed to race but knowledge. Neither me nor my rig (as it was set up) had ever been on the water. We pulled in and before we had a spot picked out in the pits, billy was introducing himself and eager to give advice and suggestions, to the obvious new guy, on boat/motor set up and general '"how too's" of handling the boat along with continual suggestions throughout my past two years of racing.

                  I am, and encourage others, to help support Billy and the rest of the 'A Team'. Hopefully, with our help, they can bring home the Gold.
                  Silas Jordan
                  Windham, Maine
                  CSR 53A (2B till the boat gets redone)
                  Sigma Nu, IN-549


                  • #10
                    This is awesome!!!

                    Bill, $20 bucks went in the mail today! This is a great cause for two friends who have helped me out tremendously! Bill offered me a 20ssh ride at Lock Haven this year and on top of that found me an ASH ride. Went out after not having too much luck this year and had the most fun I had at a race all year! These guys are representing America over in Europe, something nobody else is really trying to do. It can't be cheap going there and back! I can't make the party like most of us probably, but lets all pitch in the $20 bucks for the ticket to really give these guys a hand!! Hope it helps! Good luck in Germany and Sweden!



                    • #11
                      Security in place...

                      Just received a party confirmation that Mike Cook will be in the house and has been appointed as Chief of Security. I know if he is wearing those boots that I would not cross him!


                      • #12
                        Even better, kick in $50 bucks and get an official super-cool "U.S. A-Team" shirt. Ours are a nice subtle RED.

                        Alex 8A & Alex 12A
                        The Mad Russians (are coming to a peaceful lake near you)


                        • #13
                          Team Member

                          Alex is correct...

                          Donate $50.00 or more and you will receive a Team tee shirt, boat decal and periodic updates of the Team's test session's and travel adventures.
                          Last edited by TPLACE31; 01-17-2010, 10:25 AM.


                          • #14

                            Vanpool from the midwest? Can't make it myself, but our check is in the mail. Very worthy cause. My kids really feel like they are a part of the team. Very "classy" folks representing USA.


                            • #15

                              Id like to go but wont be able to. My wife gave me an idea to run by.. Set up with a local radio station that those who would but cant go can donate pairs of tickets to be given out 'on air.' Some possible free publicity & more attendees. Just a thought. Meanwhile Im goin for the T-shirt & say Best of Luck Billy. Mike.
                              Team Tower

