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Tragic Loss of Victory 1 pilots

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  • Tragic Loss of Victory 1 pilots

    <img alt="" src="http://www.class-1.com/images/teams/victory11.jpg" class="alignleft" width="200" height="133" />December 11, 2009: Dubai (UAE): Officials of the UIM and WPPA regret to announce the tragic deaths of pilots Mohammad Al Mehairi from the UAE and Jean-Marc Sanchez of France following a racing accident today during race one of the Dubai Grand Prix, the final round of the Class 1 World Powerboat Championship.

    The two pilots, representing the Dubai Victory Team, were involved in a high-speed crash during the early stages of the race at the Dubai International Marine Club, which was subsequently red flagged.

    Safety personnel attended to both pilots at the scene. They were subsequently airlifted to a local hospital, where all efforts to resuscitate them were in vain.

    The Victory Team, UIM, WPPA, DIMC and IOTA pass on their deepest condolences to the families of both pilots.

    As a mark of respect to both pilots and their families the event organisers have cancelled tomorrow’s race and all event activities.

    <a href="http://www.class-1.com/index.asp">Read more</a>
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