Hi there!
Is there a web site, club or one person that could pout me into the right direction as to build a D mod liedown hydro. I just need the reconmended length for this type of motor as I have a liedown hydro hull mould ready to go also were to buy the reconmended gear boxes, type of props I should be looking at for this power plant etc etc also what type of speeds I could be looking at. Any help would be most graitfull as here in Australia there isn't much help avalible for this type of boat
Thanking you
Is there a web site, club or one person that could pout me into the right direction as to build a D mod liedown hydro. I just need the reconmended length for this type of motor as I have a liedown hydro hull mould ready to go also were to buy the reconmended gear boxes, type of props I should be looking at for this power plant etc etc also what type of speeds I could be looking at. Any help would be most graitfull as here in Australia there isn't much help avalible for this type of boat
Thanking you
