I am teaching seventh grade at Sevierville Middle School in Sevierville, Tennessee this year and we have a class called Exploratories. This class is designed to give students opportunities to learn about things that they wouldn't normally be subjected to on a day to day basis or something they have no idea about at all. Well, I am going to educate them on the basis of hydroplane racing and get our sport opened up to the Tennessee world. However, I am in need of few things: any videos of races from Unlimiteds to Stock Outboard..anything..if you can make a copy that would be great...literature about particular classes...we will be visiting various club websites, so you may get some visitors on your guestbook..I greatly appreciate and if you could email me at hydro76k@hotmail.com and let me know I will owe ya a nice beverage at the next race!
Nate Bowers and Sevierville Middle School Seventh Grade
Nate Bowers and Sevierville Middle School Seventh Grade