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Y-80 / Sidewinder Controversy

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  • #31
    Originally posted by M721son View Post
    I didn't mean to stir up the water. I already race in the A class. I want to turn the A's over to my oldest boy to run. He has spent the last couple of years being my crew chief and done a H@&& of a job. The idea is for me to crew the A's for him and move up to another class. I have a C runabout but no motor so I'm trying to figure the different options. I don't want to run A unless the race I'm at is short I would like to stay on shore and support and watch my son. My boy plans to run his first race at Jesup so I'm trying to see what is available to me between now and then. I think the Sidewinder is needed to help this sport we love proceed into the future I'm just not able to afford it at this time.
    Jerry L. Oberlin
    Don't worry. Someone was going to bring it up again. Might as well throw some ideas out before the next national meeting. I think an extension in these hard times is the way to go for now. The bottom line is it sounds like you and your son are having fun together! It is a family sport
    Mike - One of the Montana Boys

    If it aint fast make it look good


    • #32
      Let's talk $$$

      Originally posted by T Chance View Post
      VRP, Konny and Rossi are all building new complete motors for the Pro Division. Has it ever been considered if they would build some models for the Stock Division?
      A lot of people here seem to think that $4500 is an outrageously large sum of money for an outboard racing motor (I am not one of them BTW). Would some PRO guys please chime in on how much a new VRP, Rossi and Konny cost? I'm guessing after you hear you may not want them building Stocks
      Moby Grape Racing
      "Fast Boats Driven Hard"


      • #33
        But if you really think of it the new sidewinder isn't that expensive for a racing engine. If you go out and buy a mercury from APBA which is a fishing engine that cost around $2500 plus the racing lower unit which is about another $1000 plus if you want to be competitive you have to have the motor re done which can cost you up to another $500 so by the time you are done, you are buying a production fishing engine for about $4000. Or you can buy a low production strictly racing engine for $4500 that out of the box will be competitive.
        Dylan Runne


        • #34
          I don't think (and I have been wrong before) that anyone is saying we can't have another choice in engines. Choices are good! I think what is being said is that perhaps in this economic climate it is not a good time to push a phase out of an older engine.

          I say if new people coming into the sport want to start with older used equipment, and people with already exisiting equipment wish to keep running it more power to them. Some people don't do well with change and are happy with what they have.

          Those that want to buy a new engine and perhaps want something a little different, want to get a sidewinder, then good for them too.

          If it turns out that the sidewinder is so much more competitive than the existing engines then more people will be driven to buy them. As older engines break then new ones will be phased in. (Gee that's attrition.)

          My hat is off to those who developed the sidewinder engine, it is nice indeed to have a choice.

          Now if the government wants to come out with a program like "cash for clunkers" for us boat racers......all bets are off

          Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.


          • #35
            I believe the Sidewinder will be an good investment. What does a OMC "A" bring today? Verses what the cost was back in 1986. Both my 302's sold for more than twice the amount that I paid for them and I had the use of them for over ten years.
            If you take care of the motor it will be a good investment.
            bill b


            • #36
              I started racing in the middle of last year. Used 302-$1750 used boat-$1500. The one and only reason that I am racing now is the ( PRICE ). You have to give people a chance to get there feet wet cheep, or you will not get new blood in the sport. If I had to spend $4500 on just a motor I would have walked away and missed out on the most FUN I have had in many years. Take it from a new guy for what it is worth. Many thanks to the great people that helped me along the way this past year. BILL


              • #37
                but you didnt have any thing new just like when i started i got boat /motor/ 2 props/ kavalars for 1300.00 and it ran up front but now i cant get amotor for that heck that was 95


                • #38
                  The Biggest Problem With Sidewinder In My Opion Is Its Not Yet Proven Or Enough Built But Its Supposed To Take Over A B 25 20 In A Year Not To Many Options For Someone Coming Into The Sport This Year .


                  • #39
                    I asked earlier about an upcoming anniversary, apparently nobody was interested so I'll tell. Next month will be the 30th anniversary of the Yamato 80 going OUT of production. Although it is in the plan to eventually obselete the Y80 to transition to the Sidewinders we are not going to cut our throats and kill one of the best classes we have. That is one of the reasons the original timetable is no longer viable. Many things have changed since the beginning of this project and nothing is set in stone as far as a time line is concerned but ultimately the goals remain the same. When the time comes to move forward with the program, a three year phase out will begin. That time is not now. Believe me, getting the SORC to embrace change is something that requires patience. The reason for this plan is so you folks know what the future will be so that you can plan to buy the right stuff rather than spending a lot of money on equipment that may soon be obselete.
                    There are also alternative ways to keep some of the older motors on the water until you can buy a new motor, like schedule Stock Classic classes and run combined with the regular classes, or run some of these older classes as a local event. Granted you won't get "APBA National Points", but you will race and that is the most important part.
                    John Runne

                    Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                    True parity is one motor per class.

                    It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                    NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                    • #40
                      Very good point, John

                      I'll repeat it over on BRF ...

                      The Y-80 has been eligible for a while if we are at 30 years. If 20SSH with 80's is popular in your area ... it can go on forever as a Stock Classic class, just like A Classic with KG4H's


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by score69 View Post
                        I started racing in the middle of last year. Used 302-$1750 used boat-$1500. The one and only reason that I am racing now is the ( PRICE ). You have to give people a chance to get there feet wet cheep, or you will not get new blood in the sport. If I had to spend $4500 on just a motor I would have walked away and missed out on the most FUN I have had in many years. Take it from a new guy for what it is worth. Many thanks to the great people that helped me along the way this past year. BILL
                        Your point is well taken and I completely understand but at some point the manufacturer of these new motors must also feed their families at the end of day so...

                        Bottom line and we all know it is that racing = $$$$$$$$$$$$$ its not a poor mans sport. I have a few friends here in town that have more the $4500 tied up in Pro RC boat so... without rambling on, yes it is "Stock" Outboard but lets not forget that it is also "racing"

                        Even though I no longer have the disposal income to be an active driver I still enjoy the sport and support it through my Blog so... long story short those who can afford it will continue with what ever comes out next and those who cannot will just have to enjoy it from the side lines its a hard pill to swallow but it is what it is.

                        The sport has got to progress and if it means a few folks get left behind then so be it, it cannot stay where it is now.

                        Just my two cents for what its worth, go ahead and scream all you want.
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                        • #42
                          Originally posted by csh2z View Post
                          The reason for this plan is so you folks know what the future will be so that you can plan to buy the right stuff rather than spending a lot of money on equipment that may soon be obsolete.
                          There are also alternative ways to keep some of the older motors on the water until you can buy a new motor, like schedule Stock Classic classes and run combined with the regular classes, or run some of these older classes as a local event. Granted you won't get "APBA National Points", but you will race and that is the most important part.
                          Think when I originally posted the Class Goals, Proposals for class transitions, and a flexible Timetable presented by the Steering Committee, all I wanted to do was provide some type of info to a racer, so that racer DOES NOT buy equipment that may soon be obsolete in a particular class....just as John stated. We racers need a timetable of implementation that has merit if investments in new equipment are to be made. Think the racers also deserve some type of manufacturing schedule so they know how fast an order for a motor can be completed and shipped per request. Is the SORC still planning to use www.stockoutboard.com as the store of choice for newbies? I plan to buy a Sidewinder, but with the current economy, not till I have to, or become completely uncompetitive.




                          • #43
                            Sidewinder Maiden Voyage...

                            Here is a pick from Almost 3 years ago on her maiden voyage (I think?)
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              No no no...

                              I ran it at Lock Haven 6 monthes prior to that, get your story straight young lad... skinny in PA
                              Future J dad!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by propnuts View Post
                                A lot of people here seem to think that $4500 is an outrageously large sum of money for an outboard racing motor (I am not one of them BTW). Would some PRO guys please chime in on how much a new VRP, Rossi and Konny cost? I'm guessing after you hear you may not want them building Stocks

                                A new VRP 250 or 350 powerhead with Pipes and Carbs is around $6500US last time i checked. This does NOT include a tower and/or Lower unit. A new Lee Tietze tower is around $1200, and a new Lower unit can be had for around $1000.

                                I highly doubt they would even consider building stocks, as the US Market is too small to make it worth their time and money.

                                As much controversey i have seen over the years of the new Tohatsu motor, I wish you all luck.
                                Sattler Racing R-15
                                350cc Pro Alcohol Hydro
                                TEAM VRP
                                The Original "Lunatic Fringe"

                                Spokane Appraiser

