New equipment.
I just came back from my first NBRA race. A nice bunch of folks. All just wanting to go race and have fun too. Just like my buddies in APBA. It was a small club race and I had a great time. I took a head count (or should I say a powerhead count) Including my own motor, there were SIX Bass/Tohatsu powered boats there!
At almost every APBA race I've ever gone to I'm the only Tohatsu guy there! I still to this day have APBA racers come up to my motor and tell me: "I've never seen one of these before!"
So you guys tell me, why is the Bass/Tohatsu motor doing so very well in NBRA and so poorly in APBA?
I just came back from my first NBRA race. A nice bunch of folks. All just wanting to go race and have fun too. Just like my buddies in APBA. It was a small club race and I had a great time. I took a head count (or should I say a powerhead count) Including my own motor, there were SIX Bass/Tohatsu powered boats there!
At almost every APBA race I've ever gone to I'm the only Tohatsu guy there! I still to this day have APBA racers come up to my motor and tell me: "I've never seen one of these before!"
So you guys tell me, why is the Bass/Tohatsu motor doing so very well in NBRA and so poorly in APBA?