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  • #16
    Thanks Dana. I think she is now officially hooked.
    Ian Augustine


    • #17
      Originally posted by ian View Post
      The only complaint I have is the $2.00 root beer floats, available 50 feet from our trailer. Mmm.... root beer.....
      Thanks TRORA.
      Thank Ian. Since we can not move the rootbeer float stand, I guess will will have to move you (not the trailer - can't penalize Big Dave, he's to mean to mess with) to the top of the hill.

      I 2nd Dana's comments - Both Speedy and Nick the Quick were a pleasure to be around and both did an excellent job flagging on the stand. Nina did great work.
      Brian 10s


      • #18
        Here's that smile

        Augustine Racing is very proud..........
        Attached Files


        • #19
          How did I miss the root beer floats?
          Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sonny View Post
            How did I miss the root beer floats?
            Ian drank them all ...


            • #21
              I also want to thank those who came to support the race once again. We're a small club and know we couldn't hold the event without you guys. It's very much appreciated.

              Thanks to all the non-racers who helped out as well, especially Kneal Wiegel and his friend Jon on the water as tow boats all weekend. Also cannot forget the ladies who helped us on the stand, especially Shannon Hoover who drove to the event by herself from Michigan to work registration and score all weekend. Thank you!


              • #22
                Another thanks....

                Charlie Fry asked us to thank all of you who attended for your excellent job in policing your pits. As many of you know, Charlie walks the pits after everyone leaves and picks up everything that might have been overlooked in the cleaning and packing up. Charlies says this is the absolute cleanest he has ever seen the pits after a race.

                So on our list for stuff for next year we're adding:

                a repeat of the great weather and water
                no change to the smiles from the j kids - the regular pros and at least 5 rookies (either their first ever race or within their first couple of races) who all got on plane and ran great races!
                and move the rootbeer floats closer to Ian - maybe we could just arrange for him to run a tab for the weekend?

                And a personal thanks to everyone at TRORA who did all the work all weekend while I sat in the shade and played with my grandkids!! You guys put on a great weekend of racing!!



                • #23
                  Hey Garrett where's the Pictures buddy? Please don't tell me you have a Life!
                  G.C. Kline's Photography
                  Earl 11 J........ Dangerous when Wet Runne Craft- Earl said, " Driving a Runne Craft is like Cheating". Dude, ........ Where's My Boat!


                  • #25
                    and a couple more...
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Check-book; 05-27-2009, 05:31 PM.

