I am all in favor of having up to date saftey equipment that is in good condition, Helmets that are a reasonable shade of orange or yellow. But color chips and paint samples????? Are the Fed's running APBA now???? A minimal amout of common sense should be enough to decide whether or not a particular helmet is legal or not. Everyone knows what a LEGAL helmet is supposed to look like " RIGHT?"
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Painting Stock Outboard helmets
Originally posted by Merc1 View PostI am all in favor of having up to date saftey equipment that is in good condition, Helmets that are a reasonable shade of orange or yellow. But color chips and paint samples????? Are the Fed's running APBA now???? A minimal amout of common sense should be enough to decide whether or not a particular helmet is legal or not. Everyone knows what a LEGAL helmet is supposed to look like " RIGHT?"Daren
Team Darneille
Daren, That is why I said minimal. lol Maybe the person who is ruling on said helmet, should be given an IQ test first. If they score less than 70, they will be disqualified from passing judgement.
IQ Ratings of Over 140 - Genius or near genius
IQ Ratings of 120 to 140 Highly intelligent
IQ Ratings of 110 to 119 Very intelligent
IQ Rating of 90 to 109 Normal or average intelligence
IQ Ratings of 80 to 89 Dullness
IQ Rating of 70-79 Borderline deficiency
IQ Ratings Under70 Definite feeble-mindednessLast edited by Merc1; 02-04-2009, 10:14 PM.
This is the famous Bro helmet day-glow orange serves many purposes. Keeps you from getting shot, keeps head warm when racing in 32 degree temps, fits in with the boys when in the Getho, wont chip , scratch or marr, finish can be replaced in a few min at a cost of 1.00 at any Wal-mart store. Tape around the bottom is a message board and also can be signed by fans. And last but not least its a great conversation pieceThe rule states color and not what the color is made of.
Attached FilesDestiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
Look in to Krylon Fusion. It is a standard rattle can and has been on the market about 2 years. It is formulated specifically for plastic. No priming is necessary. I spoke with the manufacturer and they assured me that there is no threat to the integrity of the helmet material. However, the emails I sent to Bell and HJC got no response. The product is available at most hardware stores with a good stock of spray cans. Both the florescent orange and safety yellow are standard colors.
The Krylon web site is: http://www.krylon.com/products/.
John Pifer
AOF VP of Safety.
Sam, I have seen both the yellow, called Sunshine, and the orange which they call pumpkin in local hardware stores. My opinion is that either would be acceptable. In the water and under certain lighting conditions, some reds can appear almost black. The red pepper might work but I would stay with the orange or yellow.
J Pifer
GSR 3A.2: “For a participant who races unrestrained in an open cockpit, the upper fifty percent ( 50%) of the helmet must be a single color of the following: yellow, or orange, or international orange, or fluorescent red.”
Here is the clarified version of the current rule. The biggest hurdle is the enforcement at local events...
The was no Bro cap provision, so I guess Georges ghetto hat.
One More Purpose!
Originally posted by G Stillwill View PostThis is the famous Bro helmet day-glow orange serves many purposes. Keeps you from getting shot, keeps head warm when racing in 32 degree temps, fits in with the boys when in the Getho, wont chip , scratch or marr, finish can be replaced in a few min at a cost of 1.00 at any Wal-mart store. Tape around the bottom is a message board and also can be signed by fans. And last but not least its a great conversation pieceThe rule states color and not what the color is made of.
Chicks Dig it.
R-19Last edited by sponsonhead; 02-05-2009, 02:51 PM.
I like pizza with no veggies. And who cares! Racing is fun and boys like cool paint jobs. I agree with AL on the safety issues. If you have a water blue color helmet oddly enough the most likely person to get hurt is the fool who painted his helmet blue!
There is no rule on the color of Kevlar sleeves but guess what color I want on my arms while waiving in the water at the guy in the blue helmet?.....yup bright "back from the dry cleaners" clean orange. My pants are black to fight the dirt but everything else is pure orange.
"Foolproof systems do not take into account the ingenuity of fools."
You Mean
Originally posted by G Stillwill View PostDam Pat I did forget that one and that answers the question of where the thongs came from that were hanging on the trailer at Loch HavenDave Mason
Just A Boat Racer
You got it Dave I always have a couple extra one if you want to make a test drive to see if it worksAs far as the thongs that is totally in relation to age. Without going into alot of detail here if you come back and see something hanging there that might resemble a fore mast from a 35 Sailing Clipper then.......well you can figure from there. Dam Pat see what you started
Destiny is a matter of chance,it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.