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J class rule changes.

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  • J class rule changes.

    There seems to be no standard rule for giving out the J props ( and geting them back ) 3 were ( are) missing after the Nats). If APBA issued the J racers a "Prop Card " with there name and APBA # this would be used at the drivers meeting to draw for the props. All cards would be droped in a bag or box, they would be drawn 1 at a time by an impartial person . IE small kid . old spectator. local hobo. the drawing # would corispond to the # of the props position in the prop box / case.. The cards would be retained untill the prop is returned.. just a thaught to smooth out the system and get the props back in a timely fashion . Shawn

  • #2
    Or...just hold their APBA cards until the props are returned!
    "Uncle Jeff" Ewing
    The Prop Shop Racing Team
    Meanstreak / Leftcoast Racing
    "Do illiterate people get the full effect from alphabet soup?"


    • #3
      I find some of the props slower. Should all the props go back to ck the pitch and condition of the prop...I hate getting a dog...


      • #4
        Originally posted by Fast Jack View Post
        There seems to be no standard rule for giving out the J props ( and geting them back ) 3 were ( are) missing after the Nats). If APBA issued the J racers a "Prop Card " with there name and APBA # this would be used at the drivers meeting to draw for the props. All cards would be droped in a bag or box, they would be drawn 1 at a time by an impartial person . IE small kid . old spectator. local hobo. the drawing # would corispond to the # of the props position in the prop box / case.. The cards would be retained untill the prop is returned.. just a thaught to smooth out the system and get the props back in a timely fashion . Shawn
        I proposed this last year and it died as it was felt that there was not a problem. And there was none as the Seattle group did a great job.
        It really bothers me that 3 props are missing. Are they still unaccounted for?
        I will bring up the subject again as I think we do need a set of guide lines for handling the props at championship races. Keeping the drivers APBA card is a good suggestion.
        bill b


        • #5
          3 J Props

          The J prop issue at Whitney Point lies squarely on my shoulders. It was something that the Race Director (me) failed to plan for. As the testing day approached its start people rushed to collect the boxes of propos from the Region and J drivers raced to get their wheels for testing.

          I am not sure if all of the boxes came with full sets of propellers but full sets were returned with the exception of Region 3.

          So we could have been short three from the start and didn't know it.

          If the J category as a whole dicovers that SORA and Whitney Point did not return all we recived than we are responsible for replacing them.


          • #6
            Great Ideas

            Originally posted by Fast Jack View Post
            There seems to be no standard rule for giving out the J props ( and geting them back ) 3 were ( are) missing after the Nats). If APBA issued the J racers a "Prop Card " with there name and APBA # this would be used at the drivers meeting to draw for the props. All cards would be droped in a bag or box, they would be drawn 1 at a time by an impartial person . IE small kid . old spectator. local hobo. the drawing # would corispond to the # of the props position in the prop box / case.. The cards would be retained untill the prop is returned.. just a thaught to smooth out the system and get the props back in a timely fashion . Shawn
            There are tons of great solutions to problems like this. But execution is the issue. What every you implement it has to be sustainable and obtainable.


            • #7
              I agree with you Scott, We can make guidelines. However, if they are not followed then what good are they. I will propose that we take a count and find out if we are really short 3 props. I know that Region 11 sent 6 and received 6 back in return.
              bill b


              • #8
                You don't really even need cards (good idea BTW) Just have the J class entries give a check for the amount of a prop that will be given back when the prop is returned. If the prop is not returned you could either cash the check or suspend race participation until the prop comes back.

                There would really not be any more work that taking a standard entry fee.
                Bill Schwab
                Miss KTDoodle #62C
                -Naturescape encinitas landscape company


                • #9
                  Well Said...................

                  Originally posted by reed28n View Post
                  There are tons of great solutions to problems like this. But execution is the issue. What every you implement it has to be sustainable and obtainable.
                  Having been heavily involved in J Class for the last 10 plus years all ideas are wonderful but need to be executed once we leave the warmth and security of our computer rooms!!

                  We all get hurried and distracted at the races and what it takes to make the prop program operate smoothly is one or two J Class parents to take charge week in and week out and DO IT BABY!!!!!! When our kids were in J (Travis, Abby,Val,Justin,Greg,Dominic,Shawn,Jody etc etc) it was amazing how the props were smoothly handled. That's because a few parents took control and made sure it got taken care of. You can't look to Chairman Reed to take care of J Class issues when he has other race issues to tend to. It is up to a parent or parents to take the lead whose kids are involved in running the class................

                  Former J Dad


                  • #10
                    Agreed Matt...

                    Scott has enough on his plate. I've been in charge of handing out J wheels and it gets a little nuts after drivers meeting when 12 kids come looking for props and take off, then 3 come back and say "this one's no good" so you redistribute 3, recalculate the notes, and hope it all comes together for the green flag. My opinion, this is a job for a non discriminating person who can focus thier efforts on keeping good records and dibs on what went where. GL
                    Future J dad!


                    • #11
                      J props

                      Matt, I tried to take CHARGE of the J props for Region 1 and It drew complaints from a region 3 officer. This was last season , We share props with many regions and had a close call at our Taunton Race when the props were "forgoten " luckily there was a back up set available. I thaught a seperate card would give the kids something they have to be responsible for, with out the headache of replacing a lost APBA card ( espically when you have a rece next week and discover the card was" lost " on Thursday. Scott, I was pointing out that we need a system , not the fact that you are any way responsible for lost props. I just thaught a simple system could be in place for all races . I have requested to be appointed to the J commity to represent Region 1 and the overall growing of the J class.. Hey Jeff , send the pictures .. got a J runabout kit coming. Thanks Shawn


                      • #12
                        I agree it is not the job of the race chairman. I have handled the props at a few nationals and know what the task is. Handing them out is not a big deal and can be fun working with the Kids. Getting them back can be a real task. At Dayton we removed them at inspection which got 50% back. Matt is correct in what he is saying. At Moses lake Jean McKay and Rocky Peterson had it handled real well. Lets don't hammer Scott as he had a full plate. I see nothing wrong with one of us J committee members stepping up to the plate and handle the props at the Nationals.
                        bill b


                        • #13
                          Not offended in anyway

                          I didn't think there was any blame being thrown around, but the fact remains that our club is ultimately responsible to replace props if they are in fact lost.

                          I don't think local races are as much of an issue because you know everyone that is there. In Region2 Scott Clark and I toted them around for a while but Pat Davids really handled getting them to the kids and getting them back.
                          Which is what was needed.

                          But I do believe that a race team that does not have a J participant should tote the J Prop box. If only for perception.

                          The Nationals are a whole different animal maybe the props should be handle by a National J Committee person or appointee. That way the J Commission can insure that all of their rules are enforced as expected.

