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J class at San Diego Thunderboat Regatta

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  • J class at San Diego Thunderboat Regatta

    Ross told us at Longbeach, that if we could get 5 confirmed boats for the thunderboat regatta, September 19-21, he would place J class on the sanction to race in front of the 150,000 fans who have attended for the last 41 years.

    I know, school will have begun, which makes it tough, and, region 12 only has 2 legal J boats to date, KT jumps in to make a class, but has no real interest running J. So, if anyone is interested and can come, get a hold of Ross Wallach, or answer back and I will call Ross for an update. This could be a fun event with allot of badly needed exposure in this area for the junior class.

    If not, and some one just wants to get some good water time, we usually practice for a few hours a day in front of the start finish line (by the clock) off Fiesta Island. Typically, be there Saturday morning, 6:00AM to set up, the water is typically yours until 9:30 or 10, when the first thunder boat spools up, you're done for the day....Have not heard from the powers at be just yet, but that's the way it usually goes down.
    Bill Schwab
    Miss KTDoodle #62C
    -Naturescape encinitas landscape company

  • #2
    For the good of the sport


    I saw your post yesterday morning and twice I started to write a reply and twice I erased it, certain about what I wanted to say but uncertain about what I wanted to do. Now I know what I want to do and I have a thumbs up from the appropriate family members.

    I think running J Hydro on the same race program as the Unlimiteds is just plain cool. You a have a large audience there to watch boat racing. What better way to introduce to a large audience a relatively inexpensive motorsport which includes kids (boys and girls) of all ages from age 8 to 80? (Marshall Eldredge, you're my newest hero). A five boat minimum is a very reasonable request.

    Collectively, nationally, as a sport we should be able to make this happen.

    So here's my offer. First I need to borrow a J hydro and motor. But if someone can arrange that small detail, I will fly to San Diego with my 11 year old J driver at my expense. We'll bring our own safety gear. We'll bring our own J restrictor if necessary.

    If we need more J props we can ask to borrow them from Region 3. But the last time I saw their collection of J props they were stored in a heavy duty plastic rifle case so I don't think I'll be walking through an airport terminal with that. FEDEX is the answer.

    The only thing I ask is that Luke gets adequate testing time in the borrowed rig. He has limited testing time and racing experience but it has always been in the same rig with the same setup.

    What's in it for me? I'll get to see my first unlimited hydroplane race in 30+ years, since the President's Cup in the mid 1970's. And I'll be giving Luke memories to last a lifetime. And as "corny" as it sounds, I'll be doing it for the good of the sport.

    Even on short notice, we -- meaning kneel down boat racing as a group -- should be able to make this happen. And if we are really passionate about boat racing the way we talk about it on Hydroracer, we should be able to fill the field with 12 J Hydros at San Diego.

    Find us a rig to borrow and count us in. I'll make the flight reservations as soon as someone commits a rig for us to borrow here on Hydroracer.net.

    Luke just asked me, "Will I be on TV?" Regardless of the answer, he's hooked.
    Last edited by Mark 72@E; 08-19-2008, 03:24 AM.

    Mark Ritchie
    Former Boat Racer
    21st Century: CSH, CSR, and "J Dad" x2
    20th Century: ASH, ASR, BSR, 25SSH, 25SSR



    • #3
      contact info

      Originally posted by Mark 72@E View Post

      I saw your post yesterday morning and twice I started to write a reply and twice I erased it, certain about what I wanted to say but uncertain about what I wanted to do. Now I know what I want to do and I have a thumbs up from the appropriate family members.

      I think running J Hydro on the same race program as the Unlimiteds is just plain cool. You a have a large audience there to watch boat racing. What better way to introduce to a large audience a relatively inexpensive motorsport which includes kids (boys and girls) of all ages from age 8 to 80? (Marshall Eldridge, you're my newest hero)

      Collectively, nationally, as a sport we should be able to make this happen.

      So here's my offer. First I need to borrow a J hydro and motor. But if someone can arrange that small detail, I will fly to San Diego with my 11 year old J driver at my expense. We'll bring our own safety gear. We'll bring our own J restrictor if necessary.

      If we need more J props we can ask to borrow them from Region 3. But the last time I saw their collection of J props they were stored in a heavy duty plastic rifle case so I don't think I'll be walking through an airport terminal with that. FEDEX is the answer.

      The only thing I ask is that Luke gets adequate testing time in the borrowed rig. He has limited testing time and racing experience but it has always been in the same rig with the same setup.

      What's in it for me? I'll get to see my first unlimited hydroplane race in 30+ years, since the President's Cup in the mid 1970's. And I'll be giving Luke memories to last a lifetime. And as "corny" as it sounds, I'll be doing it for the good of the sport.

      Even on short notice, we -- meaning kneel down boat racing as a group -- should be able to make this happen. And if we are really passionate about boat racing the way we talk about it on Hydroracer, we should be able to fill the field with 12 J Hydros at San Diego.

      Find us a rig to borrow and count us in. I'll make the flight reservations as soon as someone commits a rig for us to borrow here on Hydroracer.net.

      Luke just asked me, "Will I be on TV?" Regardless of the answer, he's hooked.

      Mark, you need to contact Bob Peebles, Roger Carr or Ross Wallach to make this happen! They are the "powers that be"! I am SURE they would do whatever is possible to make this happen, they are a great bunch of guys. Hell, I might even fly down to attend!


      Team Darneille



      • #4

        As far as equipment goes, I'm not sure what everyone down this way has, however, I know this sport is a very generous one. That said, if any region 11, members see this post, and have equipment they could lend for the cause, if they cannot get them to the races, I will provide transportation, truck, trailer, fuel etc and time off the job to get equipment and return it.

        We have 6 propellers at SCSC, and/or, it ain't legal but I have Dewald J test wheel if props are short. I'm sure Ross will let Jared run. Marlee Hill, last I knew was running Salt Springs in region 11 that weekend, but, not sure, KT will run, if anything just to make the class work.

        If money was a tad tight like it is everywhere else, we have two spare bedrooms in our home and cold beer in the fridge.

        I would love nothing more than to see this thing come together in front of the big crowd, BTW, after 41 years as the Thunderboat Regatta, San Diego decided to yuppify the event, they now call it Sea Fare, which I think tells me they are stepping up.

        I'll call Ross tomorrow, just to see whats what, and will encourage him to post some details to see if this thing can come together.

        Test time, is a huge issue in region 12 in the unior class. Water and time is at a premium, and Ross usually rams the day through because of the amount of water time, and program. Now, I got a brain fart for test time.

        Say the J's run second flight, around intermission....

        We get up at 5:30, and head to Lake Hodges before all the fish hooks start flying. We could be all dialed in and off the water by 10:30, it's a 40 minute ride to Mission Bay, we load out, set up and make the class work.

        Anyhow, my door is open to anyone wishing to do this if it comes together.
        Last edited by Skoontz; 08-18-2008, 07:39 PM.
        Bill Schwab
        Miss KTDoodle #62C
        -Naturescape encinitas landscape company


        • #5
          The things I can control

          Since I can't control the availability of equipment or the generosity of those who might make it available, I'll concentrate on what I can control.

          If this thread has other J dads and J moms thinking about doing the same thing but finances or schedules prevent you from accompanying your J driver, I will play den mother for your son for the weekend. You provide the finances for your J driver to attend, I'll provide the watchful eye.

          My den mother qualifications: Luke is the youngest of three children my wife and I have raised in our 23 years of marriage. So far none has been arrested or done jail time. When they are in my charge I generally have an idea where they are and what they are doing. I only lost Austin once; it was at an amusement park and I retrieved him in less than an hour. I would like to think all this puts me in the "above average" parenting category.

          So start my asking your J driver a question like I did. "I have a crazy idea that I want to run by you. It's crazy and it may not happen, but I want to see what you think. What if you could race J Hydro in front of thousands of people in San Diego, California, on the same day the Unlimited hydroplanes run, would you want to?"

          Mark Ritchie
          Former Boat Racer
          21st Century: CSH, CSR, and "J Dad" x2
          20th Century: ASH, ASR, BSR, 25SSH, 25SSR


