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Why Candlewick worked so well

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  • Why Candlewick worked so well

    What made Candlewick Work?


    We had regular meetings and EXCELLENT communications between the Candlewick Committees and staff.
    These folks know how to put on a PARTY! It was important that there be no disappointments. Realistic expectations were planned and all plans exceeded expectations. We discussed the steps that we would have to take for the 2 sponsors to participate in the race. Advanced orientation and boat time was a mandatory requirement. Safe Exciting Fun with minimum disruption was the major goal.

    Their facilities and hospitality was the final polish that made it all look easy. The lake is very well protected with Big Trees and gentle shorelines that minimize wind chop and wake bounce-back. The layout and conditions are excellent for our kind of racing. The friendliness and excitement of the community was contagious.

    They provided 100 free breakfasts for race team members over the two days. We had our own area for camping and RV’s and pool passes for the kids. There was fantastic food and a great restaurant all comfortable and reasonably priced. Your choice of eating inside or out with BBQ including Rib Eye Steak Sandwiches, Beer tents, local business displays, Live bands Saturday and Sunday, Live Radio remote, local TV coverage http://www.wifr.com/sports , event programs, …… and on and on!

    The racers were very appreciative and respected the opportunity to race in a populated community. We appeared in the 4th of July Celebration Parade and put a display boat out in front of the community. There was no testing to accommodate water-skiers, boaters, fishermen etc. who would have to give up “their” lake from 10 AM – 5:30 pm Saturday and Sunday. All racers were provided with “fuel cloths” to prevent spillage into the pristine waters. Young racers performed trash pickup duties. Pits were tight and everyone cooperated to the degree that we can easily accommodate more racers next year.

    So my sincere appreciation to the fine residents at Candlewick. Most particular the ones who may not have been thrilled with the disruptions we have caused to your tranquil, beautiful community. Your willingness to give us 2 days out of the summer is appreciated beyond what we can express. Candlewick is a “Racers race site” and we look forward to seeing you next year.

    Please take a minute to learn more about the Candlewick Community. http://www.candlewick-lake.org/outside_home.asp

    The community advertised the races heavily

    We gave the sponsors a taste of what it was like. Look for the pictures of the General Manager (Tracy Carter) and President of the Candlewick Association (Rich Witt) during the Novice race.

    FANTASTIC PHOTOS by Mike Price! (Check out slide show feature) http://mikeprice.zenfolio.com/

    My sincere thanks and appreciation,

    Paul Nielander
    Promotional Chairman
    Badger State Outboard Association
    Marine Racing Club of Illinois
    APBA National Stock Outboard Commission

  • #2
    Thank you for sharing Paul.

    Candlewick and Akron appear to have been well planned as well as executed events. These successes represent the best of our organization and the tireless work of our membership. If we all play a small part we’re capable of great things.

    I would encourage everyone, especially on the club level, to play a part.


    • #3
      Great work guys all the hard work and planning clearly paid off.
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      • #4

        Thank you Paul for all of your hard work on this race. Thanks also to George Young, Bill Carter, and John Korbus. All contributed greatly to the success of this event.

        Bill Pavlick
        Support your local club and local races.

        Bill Pavlick

        I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


        • #5
          Hard work = success!

          As someone who has attempted to sign boat races with communities in the past I applaud the success at Candlewick. I have spent quite a few hours traveling and talking to potential sponsors and have had a lot of disappointment. The reason was mainly that once they found out how much time and energy was needed to put on an event like this they didn't want to touch it. It is a credit to the Candlewick folks that they had the drive to make it work. I will definitely look forward to racing there again. mike 67G


          • #6
            From Rich Witt the President of Candlewick


            A word of thanks from Candlewick Lake to ALL the Boat Families. Thanks for putting on a clean, fun, entertaining weekend for the people of Candlewick lake and their guests.

            I hope everyone had a safe trip home. Hopefully everyone has figured out any problems that they may have had with their equipment. It is not hard to see how each boat driver and builder can get into the excitement that this sport brings. It brought fun and entertainment to Candlewick Lake.

            Please send my thanks and appreciation to all of the drivers and families from the community of Candlewick Lake.

            Rich Witt

            President - Board of Directors
            Candlewick Lake


            • #7
              Great location, great people, thanks Candlewick Lake.

              "The Coffee Guy"
              TEAM CAFFEINE
              Cranked up and ready to Roll

              Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

              "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
              " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)

