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Brother Will is gone

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  • Brother Will is gone

    Sorry everybody but just to let you know, Geezer-Pro Racing has lost it's wizard. Will passed away a little after 2 p.m. Pacific time this afternoon. He was hanging in well through may and was able to bring a boat to Mayfield and bring himself to Kitsap Lake despite his cancer spreading rapidly. And he was still working as late as Friday setting up the E-boat for the kilo he hoped to run. Over the weekend though he started to tire easily and lose focus in conversations. By Monday he was unable to get up and last night he slipped into a coma. About the only good news is that he never suffered any pain and was satisfied that we'd wrapped up all his concerns and projects while he was still able to give us direction.

    Attached Files
    Geezer-PRO racing - R14/R68 We break things so you won't have to

  • #2
    Sorry to hear the news John. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.

    Jim, Rebecca, Jamie and Jonathan Nilsen


    • #3

      Sorry to hear the news about Will. I'm shocked. I talked with him at Mayfield and he was doing fine...so I thought. I always made sure to find Will at every race to see what he was up to. He was always up to something new, something creative, something different. I will miss that. It seemed lately that he really kicked it into high gear. He told me at a race a couple of years ago that it was an issue of time. I've kept that with me ever since.

      I will miss him.

      Bill B.


      • #4
        Yup, Mayfield was a keeper for Will, especially getting Mikey to drive a heat with the latest-stage Polaris. Seeing Mike run fast enough to keep up with the field in the mule made his whole day. Will reworked the Rotax ignition and somehow we have to get it out on a race course too...It was always fast enough to make you cross yourself in anticipation but the original sled-owner ground the mount-lugs off and we couldn't get settings to hold.

        Last edited by Geezeracer; 06-17-2008, 11:48 PM. Reason: typo
        Geezer-PRO racing - R14/R68 We break things so you won't have to


        • #5
          Very sorry to hear the news John. My heartfelt condolences and prayers.
          Neal Baum
          Last edited by Dr. Thunder; 06-18-2008, 10:06 AM. Reason: typo
          Untethered from reality!


          • #6
            Will Was A Cool Guy

            Will was very inventive with all the different types of motors he came up with. Especially the Electric stuff. He set World Records with Electric Outboard Motors that he built himself.

            We will all miss him.

            My condolences and prayers to John and his family.

            Dean Hobart

            Dean F. Hobart


            • #7
              Will's Passing

              God bless you & keep you in His love, Will. A truely inventive guy who has accomplished some amazing milestones in electric boat racing. Our prayers go out for your family, John.

              Al & Bonnie Peffley


              • #8
                I was lucky enough to have Will as a good and true friend for a number of years.

                We spoke last week about racing, life and how he convinced the state that he was crazy ( more on that later).

                He asked me what I wanted from all his stuff and I told him I already had what I wanted and that is a friendship that will last forever.

                I miss ya Will............ God speed my friend



                • #9
                  For those awaiting word on memorial:


                  Pics, in order:

                  Stylish Will at Sister Shannon's wedding.

                  Mountain-Man Will in the Alaskan weeds.

                  Racer Will and Bert The fur covered parrot yakking with Fred Saxby at Eatonville...Fred will be driving the E-kilo for Will in October.

                  One of Will's projects...A hauler/camper made from a burned out Dodge motor-home, and it's matching trailer.

                  Attached Files
                  Geezer-PRO racing - R14/R68 We break things so you won't have to

