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Burlington BSH Role Call

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  • Burlington BSH Role Call

    Who's coming??




  • #2
    Erik will run the 14-H; I might be able to borrow another boat if we need one. Ed.

    "That is NOT why people hate me." - 14-H.


    • #3
      Borrow boat

      If you need to borrow a boat, you're welcome to borrow mine. I was going to check with you about getting it to Alexandria anyway.


      • #4
        B hydro!

        It would be Interesting but I don't have a boat to put the sidewinder on for hydro. Unless you think the hemp hydro Kevin is running in A will hold up. OOH Yea and be driveable!
        Gene Schertz 26V
        Cranked up and ready to Roll
        Reeds for Speed!


        • #5
          How heavy are you i do have an B hydro needs about 160 pound guy to have run it right, i have no prop! It is for sale and has won lots of nationals (14H)!!! Never with me in it I always crashed it in stock.
          I did run very good with an A-mod and 20H It needed more HP to keep front end up with me in it i am too big for it
          Just think you could be first one to blow apart a sidewinder from water injection, you could be my hero!!! But it won't go fast enough to blow over any way you have nothing to worry about.
          If you want to use it Cooper can bring it down I think


          • #6

            We got Props!

            Keep talking



            • #7

              yes if Cooper will haul the boat I'll run it. I am about 140lbs so a little light for that boat. But I don't think that will be an issue. The Sidewinder is not ready to run flat out for a full race yet. I want to get the boat time on the motor and work on the carburation. Running rich at this time, but thats not a bad thing for breakin. But I'd love to run it in BSH also.
              I have a prop or two that should work.

              "Just think you could be first one to blow apart a sidewinder from water injection, you could be my hero!!!"

              I don't think you will get to see the Sidewinder wet yet, but I could be wrong.
              This thing sounds sweet! and definatly has some power in it!
              Gene Schertz 26V
              TEAM CAFFEINE
              Cranked up and ready to Roll
              Reeds for Speed!


              • #8
                Rich is less expensive than lean!


                • #9

                  True, to lean and I will have a smoked motor.
                  Don't think I'm ready to try and find that limit yet!
                  Gene Schertz 26V
                  TEAM CAFFEINE
                  Cranked up and ready to Roll
                  Reeds for Speed!


                  • #10
                    it was very nice to see the motor start in the water. 1 pull with the biggest prop in the box

                    "The Coffee Guy"
                    TEAM CAFFEINE
                    Cranked up and ready to Roll

                    Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                    "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                    " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)


                    • #11
                      The B hydro will be there!!! Make sure there is extra room on your trailer to bring it home if you like it. It is priced to sell!!! 140 pounds is great you can put lead on the transom, that is were that boat likes lead. It drives like it is on rails when it is balanced correctly. It will be an awsome boat for you then. 14H will back me up on this.
                      see ya saturday if i get my New boat together.! The hydro will come with Cooper.
                      I will only come if my boat is done. Ed knows how to set it up if i am not there. Just have fun with it.


                      • #12
                        geez Darrel

                        Originally posted by 53-W View Post
                        The B hydro will be there!!! Make sure there is extra room on your trailer to bring it home if you like it. It is priced to sell!!! 140 pounds is great you can put lead on the transom, that is were that boat likes lead. It drives like it is on rails when it is balanced correctly. It will be an awsome boat for you then. 14H will back me up on this.
                        see ya saturday if i get my New boat together.! The hydro will come with Cooper.
                        I will only come if my boat is done. Ed knows how to set it up if i am not there. Just have fun with it.
                        the weather is going to be nice, finish it in the pits. how long does it take to put on pulleys anyways?

                        Support your local club and local races.

                        Bill Pavlick

                        I'm just glad I'm not Michael Mackey - BPIII


                        • #13
                          spray shield

                          Does anyone have an extra spray shield for a Hotrod. it is suposed to work with the sidewinder and I will neet one at Burlington. I would like to buy one, so if some one has an extra I could realy use it.

                          53-w I will not have room for another boat on the trailer in burlington.
                          But I may be interested in buying the boat.
                          Gene Schertz 26V
                          TEAM CAFFEINE
                          Cranked up and ready to Roll
                          Reeds for Speed!


                          • #14
                            Spray Shield

                            Got an oringinal in the trailer (some place) and will rob from another!!!



                            • #15
                              Steve, just go out and play in 20. Borrow that rig that Pavlick has been offering and have some fun.
                              "Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"

                              Don Allen

