On Saturday April 12 BSOA and MRC held their annual awards banquet at the Birchwood Grill in Bristol, WI.
2007 BSOA Award winners
JR Kurt Nydahl
JH Thomas Allen
AXSR Amy Nydahl
AXSH Kathleen Allen
ASR Andy Hansen
ASH Andy Hansen
BSR Cooper Jess
BSH Steve Warnock
CSR Jon Evans
CSH Donny Allen
DSH Dan Hauenstein
20SSH Bill Hemp
DMR co-winners Rod Terzinski & Fred Hauenstein ( first time tie in BSOA history)
DMH Larry Terzinski
OSY 400 Tad Olson
Megaphone -Tad Olson for loudly expressing his displeasure at George Young after George told Tad about a red flag at Pleasant Prairie.
Toilet Seat - Rod Terzinski for winning a ton of heats in DMR.
Cork - Rachel Warnock for her crash at Pleasant Prairie that left a lot of lumber floating in Lake Andrea.
Depth Finder - Joey Zolkoske for his bucking bronco ride in CSH at Oshkosh, Up – down then up and out!
Dim Bulb – Jennifer Seever for running into the back of Andy Hansen’s engine while returning to the pits at Pleasant Prairie. (first female winner of Dim Bulb)
Menzies - Donny Allen for amassing the most points in all classes run.
2007 MRC Award winners
Rod Terzinski DMR
hydro 1
Larry Terzinski DMH
hydro 2
Mike Pavlick 20SSH
hydro 3
Tad Olson OSY 400
J class
Carter Olson
John Korbus
Tenacious Award – Dan Hauenstein for spending so many weekends with us this summer.
Training Wheels Required Award – Bill Pavlick III for crashing his ASR in turn 1 at Burlington on Sunday and then duplicating the feat in BSR on Monday.
2007 BSOA Award winners
JR Kurt Nydahl
JH Thomas Allen
AXSR Amy Nydahl
AXSH Kathleen Allen
ASR Andy Hansen
ASH Andy Hansen
BSR Cooper Jess
BSH Steve Warnock
CSR Jon Evans
CSH Donny Allen
DSH Dan Hauenstein
20SSH Bill Hemp
DMR co-winners Rod Terzinski & Fred Hauenstein ( first time tie in BSOA history)
DMH Larry Terzinski
OSY 400 Tad Olson
Megaphone -Tad Olson for loudly expressing his displeasure at George Young after George told Tad about a red flag at Pleasant Prairie.
Toilet Seat - Rod Terzinski for winning a ton of heats in DMR.
Cork - Rachel Warnock for her crash at Pleasant Prairie that left a lot of lumber floating in Lake Andrea.
Depth Finder - Joey Zolkoske for his bucking bronco ride in CSH at Oshkosh, Up – down then up and out!
Dim Bulb – Jennifer Seever for running into the back of Andy Hansen’s engine while returning to the pits at Pleasant Prairie. (first female winner of Dim Bulb)
Menzies - Donny Allen for amassing the most points in all classes run.
2007 MRC Award winners
Rod Terzinski DMR
hydro 1
Larry Terzinski DMH
hydro 2
Mike Pavlick 20SSH
hydro 3
Tad Olson OSY 400
J class
Carter Olson
John Korbus
Tenacious Award – Dan Hauenstein for spending so many weekends with us this summer.
Training Wheels Required Award – Bill Pavlick III for crashing his ASR in turn 1 at Burlington on Sunday and then duplicating the feat in BSR on Monday.