Please come to our banquet. It is great to see everyone in the middle of the winter. A good way to catch up and plan for the 2008 season.
Feb. 9, 2008
7:00 - 11:00
Sheraton Hotel
Eatontown, NJ
Rooms available $105 (call by Jan 26th)
RSVP by Jan. 26th
$35 Per Person
Gift Auction
Please contact me via email ( or 732-842-4716.
Sheri Runne
Feb. 9, 2008
7:00 - 11:00
Sheraton Hotel
Eatontown, NJ
Rooms available $105 (call by Jan 26th)
RSVP by Jan. 26th
$35 Per Person
Gift Auction
Please contact me via email ( or 732-842-4716.
Sheri Runne