Need an edge on the competition—maybe an extra 1-2 mph?
Could be as easy as investing $20.00 in the R-11 drawing for a 2008 Dewald propeller
Buy a chance to win a prop and help support the tradition of Kilo Record Runs.
*** Only 100 tickets will be sold at $20.00/ticket ***
Could be as easy as investing $20.00 in the R-11 drawing for a 2008 Dewald propeller
Buy a chance to win a prop and help support the tradition of Kilo Record Runs.
*** Only 100 tickets will be sold at $20.00/ticket ***
Here is how it works:
Pick your favorite number(s) between 1-100, and send, along with $20.00 for each number you have chosen, to Jean Mackay-Schwartz, 572 Bancroft Ave., San Leandro, CA 94577. (Make checks payable to Region 11 Kilo Fund.) We will enter you into the drawing for a SO, MOD, PRO or JUNIOR CLASSES Dewald propeller of your choice.
OR email your number(s) to: (Raffle numbers requested via email will not be guaranteed until check has been received.) Tickets will also be available at the APBA Annual Meeting in Detroit and the Region 11 Year-end Dinner.
The winning number will be drawn on Sun, Feb. 24, at the Bud David Kilo Trials in Oroville, CA. You DO NOT need to be present to win.
We will post updates on available numbers on the Region 11 website: Click on link "for more details."
Please help keep the Kilo tradition alive by supporting the Prop Raffle. All proceeds will go into the Region 11 Kilo Fund.
Prop donated by Dewald Propellers, Inc. and Region 11, a $350.00 value.
Thanks for your support!