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Happy Birthday Bill Huson!

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  • #16
    Birthday surprises . . .

    My son-in-law vacuumed and detailed the interior of my Dakota for my B-day. Not an easy task as the truck hadn't been cleaned since last October. My nieghbor gave me a case of beer! Cool. SIL put a dent in that while cleaning the truck, and me'n nieghbor dude put the final hurt on the case. *hic* Milady gave me flip-flops ??? For the beach, sez she. Beach = barefoot, sez me. But these are for walking on hot sand, she replys. Hot sand = trot down to the surf wash and cool off the tootsies in the ocean water. MEN, she shrieks. Course the problem is how do you actually *walk* in flip-flops? I need practice, dang things won't stay on my feet. At the moment flip-flops rank very high, right up there with six inch stiletto heels, on the footwear not designed for use by humans list.

    Catch y`all at a race in the future . . .cooler will be full


    • #17
      Flip-flop remedy

      Originally posted by Bill Huson View Post
      Course the problem is how do you actually *walk* in flip-flops? I need practice, dang things won't stay on my feet. At the moment flip-flops rank very high, right up there with six inch stiletto heels, on the footwear not designed for use by humans list.
      Hi Bill - use duct tape to hold the flip flops on.

      By the way, I got a weird vision of you in stilettos when I read your post. Oh well, back to therapy to get rid of another unwanted image burned on my brain...

      Hope you had a very happy birthday - say hello to Ms. Linda for me.



      • #18
        Har . . .

        Sean, didn't I tell you the tale of the college weekend I was elected to do a mock beauty pageant? The college girls dressed me up. I was kinda *hot* lemme tell ya. 1st runner up Mighta won but I got tripped up by those dang stilettos.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sean Augustine View Post
          y the way, I got a weird vision of you in stilettos when I read your post. Oh well, back to therapy to get rid of another unwanted image burned on my brain...
          Oh, god....does your therapist have any openings?

