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Johnny Cash photo

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  • Johnny Cash photo

    Several months ago, a thread was run about the Johnny Cash movie, and everyone had their neat stories about Johnny. There were many pics posted as well, one of them was Johnny kneeling next to Marshall Grant's runabout named 'Ring Of Fire'. I wondered if anyone still had that photo? I would sure like to see it again, I have a friend (Cash fanatic is more like it) that really wants to see it too. If anyone has that pic or any others you have, could you please re-post it, or them?

    Thanks a million.....

    Chris Johnson

  • #2

    Here they are.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Johnny Cash

      Thank ya very muuch


      • #4

        Originally posted by roperz111 View Post
        Several months ago, a thread was run about the Johnny Cash movie, and everyone had their neat stories about Johnny. There were many pics posted as well, one of them was Johnny kneeling next to Marshall Grant's runabout named 'Ring Of Fire'. I wondered if anyone still had that photo? I would sure like to see it again, I have a friend (Cash fanatic is more like it) that really wants to see it too. If anyone has that pic or any others you have, could you please re-post it, or them?

        Thanks a million.....

        Chris Johnson


        I have that mag........................It's FOR SALE...............$ 250.000..........



        • #5

          Hey Chris,

          His drummer ran OPC back in the early 80's. His name is CW HOLLAND.



          • #6
            Ira Hayes....

            I've listened to Ira Hayes, by Johnny Cash more than 5,000 times...That is half as many times as I've listened to The Ring of Fire.... The Ring of Fire is supposed to be bowl of chilli, but when I went to college in Arizona, we didn't believe that!!!

            From what I've heard, the first paying "GIG" that Johnny Cash ever did, was at a boat race...


            • #7
              Originally posted by BURKHARDT View Post

              I have that mag........................It's FOR SALE...............$ 250.000..........


              I have that one too - in mint condition. Mine, however, is not for sale. The last time I saw Johnny Cash in concert was at the Valley Forge Music Fair, Valley Forge, PA (no longer in existence) in the late 80's. It was a class act. That's for sure.


              • #8
                Country Music Hall of Fame

                This picture was the only thing of interest to me in the whole building. I raced many times against Dick Pond, but never when he was driving that boat. Pond was a hired gun who didn't own any boats himself, but won races for just about everyone he drove for. It was neat to see a boat racing picture in among all the other junk in that hall of fame.


                • #9
                  Pics of that boat

                  Alvin Sanger from Cordova Maryland at one time showed us a bunch of pics and Johnny Cash being at the race in Kent Island,Maryland many many moons ago,I would be curious to know if he still had those.
                  Tim Lee


                  • #10

                    Those photos are awsome!!!


                    • #11
                      Did You Sell The Magazine?

                      If you haven't sold it, I may want it...


                      I raced APBA from 1955 until 1966 before I ever raced ina NON APBA event. I thought APBA had status...

                      I raced Havasu, 1966 and 118 boats started the race....I said, "Where did all these boats come from? As we've been having thre and four boat heats for years..."....

                      We didn't race NOA, because my dad like APBA's insurance....

                      As a result, of living in racing APBA, I never thought of NOA as having any "STATUS"....I attended the 1956,57,59,60,61,62,63,64,64,66,67,68, 70,74,75,76,77 Stock Nationals....Never giving NOA any thought...

                      Last year, the Lone Star Boat Racing Association said they were going to have a Re-Union....350 people showed up, NOT ALL WERE NOA MEMBERS)..., I thought that NOA was probably bigger than APBA.....but I had never raced with them I heard, at the Re-Union that Johnny Cash, my all time IDOL, had done his first paying GIG at a BOAT RACE......

                      Johnny Cash got me through I could have never done it without his music....and to think, I never raced NOA BECAUSE APBA HAD STATUS.....drives me crazy, today!!!

                      JOHNNY CASH playing "RING OF FIRE boat races!!!!! I mean, that is better than C.W. Moss being a bank robber in Bonnie and Clyde!!! (Bank robbing, god ****!!!)....
                      Last edited by Ron Hill; 04-06-2007, 08:29 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BURKHARDT View Post

                        I have that mag........................It's FOR SALE...............$ 250.000..........


                        GEEZZ!! $250 for a mag! I don't care if it came off of the "Ring of Fire" boat motor or not! That's a lot of money for an old mag. I hope at least it's a Keikhaefer and not a Fairbanks Morse!


                        • #13
                          Well, in 1970...

                          When I won the 1970 Nationals, in Beloit, Wisconsi, in DU, I started last, both heats, as to NOT get disqualified...and by the third lap, I took the green flag as the leader.

                          C.D. Strang as in the CD ignition was a spectator at the race, though he'd designed the Mark 55, he said he'd never seen one run like mine...

                          Harold Berghauer, knowing I had not clue about motors, helped me through inspection, including taking my carbs apart, and my FAIRBANKSMORSE magneto apart...Few, if any, actually, especially Wisconsiners, ever believed in the Fairbanks mags...but my OLD MAN did... He had turned his table saw into a maganeto dyno...He could make a Fairbanks mag spark 5/8 of an inch for one hour on his dyno....

                          I've spent move than two fortunes on boat racing and have no regrets....If I raced D Runabout tomorrow, I'd want a Fairbanks mag...and $250 for the Ring of Fire Magazine is cheap...

                          My quetion was, "Is it sold?" As I'll buy it...I have most of the other issues...
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Ron Hill; 04-06-2007, 09:26 PM.


                          • #14
                            Fairbanks Mag

                            Ron, did you happen to notice a huge manufacturing facility along the river toward the second turn when you won at Beloit? That was a small Wisconsin based manufacturer by the name of Fairbanks Morse... they made everything from scales to magnetos to diesel submarine engines (WWII) to railroad locomotives after the war. Their mag design was copied by Mercury with a few small improvements. Some parts even interchanged on the early models. The Fairbanks mags were used on outboards, inboard marine engines, trucks, and tractors, both regular rubber tire and caterpillar type... parts were still available at reasonable prices last I checked.

                            Want a real shock? Check the current price of a Mercury 4D- series mag rotor... Oofda! "" is the source.

                            The caps are outrageous, too. Think they're trying to tell us something? If they don't want to deal with this old stuff, do us racers and antiquers the favor of selling the rights to some aftermarket manufacturer.


                            • #15
                              Another sidenote...

                              Originally posted by trident View Post
                              The Fairbanks mags were used on outboards, inboard marine engines, trucks, and tractors, both regular rubber tire and caterpillar type...
                              I know we're Hijacking a thread here... but I think you forgot another application the old F.M. mags were used on:

                              Maybe $250 for an old mag isn't so bad after all, considering the cost of replacement parts.
                              Last edited by jeff55v; 05-28-2007, 09:26 PM.

