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Give Blood

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  • Give Blood

    Ok, I'm not exactly the crusader type, but.... We find a lot of time in the off season to argue minutia in the rulebook for hours on end. Take an hour, and donate a pint. We all know someone who has needed it in the past, perhaps ourselves.
    Check you're local Red Cross for a donation center near you..... Unless you're chicken......


    Ian Augustine

  • #2
    Good post Ian, also think about that family living in the homeless shelter with kids during this sub zero freezing time of year, why not take a few old coats you might have down to your local shelter or drop off point. The weather is brutally cold here on the east coast this time of year while we sit back in the warmth of our nice pretty homes complaining about boat racing rules etc. just food for thought not a sermon.
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    • #3
      Hair too!!!

      Locks for Love, a foundation that provides wigs for cancer patients etc. needs hair donations. Everyone out there knows at least one person who has had or has cancer, why not donate! I just donated 11 1/2 inches myself in memory of mom. Do what you can people!! You can't see your hair under your helmets anyway!
      Love Laura

      Thanks for the message ian!!
      -The Cutest of the Runne Girls


      • #4
        OK, I watched my wife get two units yesterday,"non-trauma related" I figure that puts me at a one unit deficite.
        Remember, after you give blood, beer goes further.....
        Ian Augustine


        • #5
          some times you can free lift tickets if you give blood! Jimmy.


          • #6
            I have donated blood through my companies program for 46 years for a total of over 100 pints. Since retirement I give, through their ARHERESIS program, once a month. With apheresis you can give the equivilent of 5 pints. They pump your blood out, seperate the plasma and platlets and pump the white cells back into your body. It is simple, take about 2 hours and you get to watch a DVD movie while the machine pumps away on you. Think about it.

            The Apheresis Donation Process: Safe and Easy
            Similar to a whole blood donation, an aphersis donation consists of four steps: registration, health history and mini-physical, donation, and refreshments. From registration to refreshments, the process lasts 1½ -2½ hours. During the actual donation, you will sit in a comfortable recliner, and a carefully monitored machine will draw blood from one arm through sterile tubing into a cell separator centrifuge. The blood stays inside the self-contained sterile tubing and never comes in contact with the machine. After the blood component(s) have been collected, the rest of the blood is returned to the donor through the same arm or the other arm. It's a safe process — the collection sets and needles are sterile, used once for each donor and then discarded. Donors usually relax, read, or enjoy a movie during the donation.
            !"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."


            • #7
              "Blood Mobile" comes by the Post Office in Erie, Pa. every six weeks. We let them park under the old gas-island canopy in front of the VMF / Vehicle Maintenance Facility (garage) everytime.......chain reaction 70+ pile-up near us on I-90 a couple weeks ago hit-em HARD....

              A call to your local Blood Bank will set-up scheduled visits to your shop / location / club / etc.............Most have a smaller van that will find you with a call...........

              19P Ian, How big a HIT did you put on the blood supply at Lock Haven after your scooter ride ?...............Just in fun guy.....from ..."Amanda-kiss-n-HUG"..........
              Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 02-19-2007, 05:00 AM.
              100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

              SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


              • #8
                Organ donors, too

                As a charter pilot the FAA doesn't allow me to give blood within 30 days of flying. Too bad because I see the need for it almost every day. Matter of fact I'm at the airport now and on my way to Paducah, KY with a heart transplant team. I'll be there for 4 hours, then bring back the team and a "new" heart for somebody in Jeffersonville, IN before noon today. I fly 5 or 6 of these flights every month. They need lots of blood. You might be interested to know that part of the organ harvest process includes all of the blood of the donor,too as well as skin and tissues, etc. Make sure your family knows that YOU want to be a donor.....it's not enough to just have a notation on your drivers license. When you donate your organs your pieces/parts may go to as many as 20 different recipients. What a gift ! Mike Marshall Raceboat61-S

