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Pride & Common Sense

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  • Pride & Common Sense

    Let's talk about 'pride' for a moment. Last season a racer was tossed for not having an APBA decal on both sides of the boat, because we have a RULE or more aptly it is written in the By Laws, that says we must. Big deal is what I say. Unlike the rule that dictates number size etc, a logistical necessity, the display of the APBA decal is simply to reflect a feeling of pride in our organization. Do we need a rule and a penalty for lack thereof? Yer kidding, if you said yes. For the past 10 years at least, I only get one decal when I join... and that sucker is so folded in half in the middle that it looks like crap if i try to stick it on my boat. That's a matter of pride too.. or lack thereof right at HQ APBA who has been told repeatedly about folding the decal in half. Hahahaa. Of course, having attended several national meetings I have collected a lifetime supply of decals as part of the 2 thousand bucks it costs me to travel and attend, so they aint exactly free. Yeah.. now, that's what i call common sense, because I race 3 boats, and need two for each. Plus, I give them to my less fortunate friends who can't afford to attend and whose wallets are getting thinnner and thinner with all the rest of this nonesense.
    Last edited by ram95; 01-19-2016, 04:26 PM. Reason: acronums were confusing

  • #2
    I think it is a reasonable request that all racing boats that compete have APBA racing stickers. We need to self promote and this helps. How much is questionable, however better than no decals. The pentalty is the issue, in fact, non racing penalties should be handled differently then the tech rules and on course infractions. Maybe, the decal should be reviewed to add the website or spell out american powerboat assn.
    I have bigger issues, like picking up some speed.


    • John Schubert
      John Schubert commented
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      Great post Lee.

      BTW don't forget about the reunion this year

    • ram95
      ram95 commented
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      I agree with Lee. I all for the decal(s) being on our boats. But, when you make a RULE along with it will come some chowderhead who will go out of their way to mess with you if the rule isn't specific enough. These clowns... and they do exist amongst us... are not really mean-spirited, they just think they are having a bit of fun when they do something like (a) stick the decal on the under side of the chine (b) stick a sticker so small you can hardly see it (c) make a sticker by printing on duct tape. Rules, to be rules, must be well thought out. Take our rule for the way our boat numbers must be displayed... it's clear, virtually bullet-proof....or errr ahhh BOZO-proof.
      The folks who came up with the idea to have APBA on both sides of the boat were doing great until they made it a rule and slapped a penalty on it. When they did that they were just begging for someone to play with them. And, because they made it a DQ event... they deserved to be played with. Meanwhile, I don't know what's happening with this fiasco. But, regarding penalties.... The Flogging will Continue.. Until the Morale Improves.
      Last edited by ram95; 01-19-2016, 04:26 PM.

  • #3
    Originally posted by ram95 View Post
    Let's talk about 'pride' for a moment. Last season a racer was tossed for not having an APBA decal on both sides of the boat, because we have a RULE or more aptly it is written in the By Laws, that says we must. BFD is what I say. Unlike the rule that dictates number size etc, a logistical necessity, the display of the APBA decal is simply to reflect a feeling of pride in our organization. Do we need a rule and a penalty for lack thereof? YGTBSM if you said yes. For the past 10 years at least, I only get one decal when I join... and that sucker is so folded in half in the middle that it looks like crap if i try to stick it on my boat. That's a matter of pride too.. or lack thereof right at HQ APBA who has been told repeatedly about folding the ****** decal in half. Hahahaa. Of course, having attended several national meetings I have collected a lifetime supply of decals as part of the 2 thousand bucks it costs me to travel and attend, so they aint exactly free. Yeah.. now, that's what i call common sense, because I race 3 boats, and need two for each. Plus, I give them to my less fortunate friends who can't afford to attend and whose wallets are getting thinnner and thinner with all the rest of this nonesense.

    Alex...............the sad part here is over the years i have learned how to read your 'abbriviations'...............BFD for example. Can you pick me up a few decals when your in Chicago, i need a few for the new boat.. As far as the issue you present above, if you/we don't like the rule then put in a proposal to change it. I believe the driver in question you point out had ample warnings to correct the decal issue and chose to correct it in a manner that was not complient with the rule as written.??


    • ram95
      ram95 commented
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      We're boat racing here, so Big Flipping Deal..(ie BFD). along with You Got To Be Stuffing Me (ie YGTBSM). Which brings up a good point Matt, we need a page which contains all the acronyms and definitions of phrases/words found in our library of By-laws and Rule books.

      But, back to decals.... I personally do not think we should be DQ'ing anyone for Non-Safety or Non-Speed related issues. I'm sure someone will point out the fallacy of that last sentence, but I'm also willing to listen (to common sense). Let me know if you need some UN-folded decals okay? LOL

  • #4
    Anther idea on the none speed, non safety rule might be to do house house cleaning of the rules...
    list them all out and see what is actually a value add rule (APBA Decals, EVERY Racing picture on facebook should have a APBA, CBF, etc) decal... and what doesn't have a value...delete none value rules to slim the book and let people find the actual value rules.
    clearly indicate penalty for none speed, safety rules....eg: No APBA decal, (-5 points, $10 fine payable to the J division (or new account to be spread evenly to all officials! They don't get enough praise and respect as it is), per day of racing)
    Severity may be higher, but you get the idea...It doesn't impact the days race, but could impact the pocket mildly to a good cause, or a simple tie breaker at the end of the season...

    Team Canada ThunderCat
    Facebook - www.facebook.com\fralickracing
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    • #5
      Originally posted by ram95 View Post
      Let's talk about 'pride' for a moment. Last season a racer was tossed for not having an APBA decal on both sides of the boat, because we have a RULE or more aptly it is written in the By Laws, that says we must. BFD is what I say. Unlike the rule that dictates number size etc, a logistical necessity, the display of the APBA decal is simply to reflect a feeling of pride in our organization. Do we need a rule and a penalty for lack thereof? YGTBSM if you said yes. For the past 10 years at least, I only get one decal when I join... and that sucker is so folded in half in the middle that it looks like crap if i try to stick it on my boat. That's a matter of pride too.. or lack thereof right at HQ APBA who has been told repeatedly about folding the ****** decal in half. Hahahaa. Of course, having attended several national meetings I have collected a lifetime supply of decals as part of the 2 thousand bucks it costs me to travel and attend, so they aint exactly free. Yeah.. now, that's what i call common sense, because I race 3 boats, and need two for each. Plus, I give them to my less fortunate friends who can't afford to attend and whose wallets are getting thinnner and thinner with all the rest of this nonesense.

      This reminds me of the late '80's when we were DQ'ing for not having collared shirts.

      It make no difference if we don't like a certain rule, we all must abide by them.


      • #6
        Originally posted by ram95 View Post
        Let's talk about 'pride' for a moment. Last season a racer was tossed for not having an APBA decal on both sides of the boat, because we have a RULE or more aptly it is written in the By Laws, that says we must. BFD is what I say. Unlike the rule that dictates number size etc, a logistical necessity, the display of the APBA decal is simply to reflect a feeling of pride in our organization. Do we need a rule and a penalty for lack thereof? YGTBSM if you said yes. For the past 10 years at least, I only get one decal when I join... and that sucker is so folded in half in the middle that it looks like crap if i try to stick it on my boat. That's a matter of pride too.. or lack thereof right at HQ APBA who has been told repeatedly about folding the ****** decal in half. Hahahaa. Of course, having attended several national meetings I have collected a lifetime supply of decals as part of the 2 thousand bucks it costs me to travel and attend, so they aint exactly free. Yeah.. now, that's what i call common sense, because I race 3 boats, and need two for each. Plus, I give them to my less fortunate friends who can't afford to attend and whose wallets are getting thinnner and thinner with all the rest of this nonesense.
        So which rules do we half to follow and which one's we can ignore? Also, is Alex going to be the new keeper of the "rulebook" and let everyone know what needs to be followed? In this case, wasn't the DQed driver warned several times that he was not in compliance? Would after those warnings, the "Pride & Common Sense" kick in and have the issue corrected? And since many people have extra decals in the pits, why didn't the driver ask around and probably would have gotten a couple free. (yes APBA only give you one per year but how many times are you replacing decals and or boats? If you have raced form more than a few years, you have extras).

        The real issue here is someone did not like either the rule or the officials interpretation of the rule and forced the official make the call. Once you have been warned, if you do not fix the issue, it is your fault you got DQed.
        Brian 10s


        • dwhitford
          dwhitford commented
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          The concept of putting an APBA endorsement on a boat is just plain silly. What about someone (like me) who might enter the same boat in NBRA, AOF, and USTS regattas? Such silly rules from each org might rapidly run out of room from my pristine ol' rig to display them, which offends me. What about how each driver feels about how trashy-appearing his boat might become? What about how much such garbage obscures the reading of the all-important identification racing number by the officials?
          Last edited by dwhitford; 01-19-2016, 07:51 PM.

        • ajennings4p
          ajennings4p commented
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          Brian - If memory serves me correct, I believe they were GIVEN THE STICKERS to put on and chose to only put ONLY ONE on. BFD deal with the concequences of YOUR actions. As one famous drive once told me ITS THE DRIVERS RESPONSIBLY.

        • DiGia54D
          DiGia54D commented
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          If your running in the USTS, Pretty sure you will have a sticker on your boat. You will get one a registration or the Inspector will tell you Friday before you test. ( Have yet to hear anyone complain about them ). Would be a long drive for someone to just sit on the beach

      • #7
        Whammo!! Exactly. Me sticking a decal on my boat ought to be my perogative. This aint NASCAR and Proctor & Gamble aren't paying me money to stick a Tide decal on my deck. But, if I happen to feel proud to be a member of NBRA or AOF or APBA, it ought to be my choice as to how many stickers and where I stick them. That's called PRIDE.... and pride can't be legislated. Not everyone understands that last sentence. So, like I said: The Flogging will Continue until the Morale Improves. Thanks for putting your two cents into the jug.


        • #8
          Put the stickers on and go racing.


          • mercguy
            mercguy commented
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            exactly!! ........................
            Last edited by mercguy; 01-19-2016, 09:37 PM.

          • PittmanRacing
            PittmanRacing commented
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            Want to be a rebel you got to live with the consequences. If anyone needs a sticker, let me know, I have accumulated many in several sizes and colors. Happy to mail you one.

          • bill hoctor
            bill hoctor commented
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            I've got a bunch also !

        • #9
          If you want a show boat, then have a show boat. Put what you want on it and enjoy it. If you want a race boat and use it in competition with any organization, then you suck it up and follow the rules. If you disagree with a rule, write your proposal down and send it in to be discussed and voted on. Sticking a decal on your boat is your prerogative. You can either do it and race or you don't have to and you can leave it in your garage.
          Pride can't be legislated and I guess Common Sense is something that is hard to find online.
          Brian 10s


          • #10
            After racing for over 50 years I would still rather be at a boat race than sitting home in the summer watching the grass grow. If I have to abide by some rules to do so it is a small price to pay for the fun. If putting a couple of stickers on the boat takes the fun out of it for you I guess you're not really that interested in the first place.


            • #11
              Well said Brian our boats are for racing. No show boating here...


              • #12
                I'd like to thank everyone who has taken their time to air their thoughts. I will tell you this. At the Mtg it was pointed out, by the person who proposed the idea of putting the logo on our boats, that it was never intended to have a "penalty" attached to it. But, somewhere along the line Nero & the Wolves stuck one on it as they adhered to their mantra that "The Flogging must continue until the morale improves"... And, guess what, the masses just folded right into line along with the other advocates for the Flat Earth Society and Luddites For Naught group. However, we did achieve one thing at that meeting which was that we will no longer be receiving a folded up decal with our membership renewal. BBbbut, it appears the penalty will remain. Mission failure. We're headed for Pluto. PLUTO!!? (I trust you've seen the commercial)


                • Matt Dagostino
                  Matt Dagostino commented
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                  Well said Alex, i think????

              • #13
                Perhaps you could stick on the azz of your jeans. Then if an inspector didn't like it they could lick it off.


                • MITCH MEYER
                  MITCH MEYER commented
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                  I'm sure glad I stopped inspecting years ago in case you make a return ASR.

              • #14
                Just saying,with our 2016 APBA membership card were 2 decals,not folded.
                Last edited by mercsami; 01-25-2016, 02:49 PM.


                • #15
                  How long till one organization requires that their's be the ONLY stickers on the boat at one of their races. So you would have to put on and take of decals if you crossed into all the organizations. I think one sticker from each organization is sufficient. Preferably on the side of the boat where the spectators get the best view while it is racing.

                  Welcome to hydroracer, we hope you enjoy your visit.

