I have been in contact with Rich previously a number of times. I am currently restoring his old DSH Sidson hydro, which was in very sad shape when we started and wanted to email him updated photos of the progress.
The email address I have is powtow@ptd.net and am wondering if this is still correct. He has been very excited in previous emails about the progress photos, but have not heard from him in response to my last two emails to him. I hope he is still well. Here is a photo of where we are now (very first coat of varnish before sanding it and going to next coat) and where it was when we got it. I think a son of is on these boards, perhaps he can forward the picture to him. You can PM me or email me at brandon.juby@gmail.com. Thanks a lot, Brandon.

The email address I have is powtow@ptd.net and am wondering if this is still correct. He has been very excited in previous emails about the progress photos, but have not heard from him in response to my last two emails to him. I hope he is still well. Here is a photo of where we are now (very first coat of varnish before sanding it and going to next coat) and where it was when we got it. I think a son of is on these boards, perhaps he can forward the picture to him. You can PM me or email me at brandon.juby@gmail.com. Thanks a lot, Brandon.