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Issues with Hydroracer

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  • #31
    Mark it is perfect.. It is not boring like lots of site and pops off the page.. Thanks for all your help
    Mike - One of the Montana Boys

    If it aint fast make it look good


    • #32
      Originally posted by vBSupport View Post
      Just reading backwards to this.....I hope everyone feels the site has retained it's look and feel, and does not look like just so many other stes.
      For a few days you had the front page show the most recent post with photos etc.. I thought that was a pretty nice touch. Looks like that option was voted down by owners.
      HTML Code:

      "" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">Follow @HydroRacerTV


      • HRTV
        HRTV commented
        Editing a comment
        Ok I see it, thats now the activity stream

    • #33
      Yes that's an activity stream view. Overwhelmingly users wanted a Topic view in the homepage.
      vBulletin Support


      • Mrs blueskyracer
        Mrs blueskyracer commented
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        Mark is correct the vote was to have it the way it is now. There is also a tab for activity stream and New topics that can be easily addressed in the navigation bar.

    • #34
      Originally posted by vBSupport View Post
      When you get "See More", you're not in the Inbox, you're on the messages preview page. Click 'Inbox' on the left hand sidebar to get to your actual inbox.

      No, Mike, that's what I did. Actually, I tried both ways, all the ways I could think of. But I'll give it another shot.


      • #35
        Mike- Wondering if you guys have had issues with using hydroracer with mobile devices? I have an IPHONE and cannot get to hydroracer since you started making changes. Granted using hydroracer on a smaller mobile device has never been ideal, but now I can't even get on your page. Suggestions? Is that part a work in progress? Just thought you should know. Thanks.
        Kyle Bahl

        "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"


        • blueskyracer
          blueskyracer commented
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          Kyle we want to get the lap tops and desk tops working correctly first and then phone system second.. We want to hopefully have it all working better than before by APBA nationals.. It will come up on a I phone right now but it don't work the way it should and its hard to follow on a small screen

      • #36
        Okay, just tried again, same result. This is after clicking on "Inbox" under the Message Center section.


        • #37
          Originally posted by Smitty View Post
          Okay, just tried again, same result. This is after clicking on "Inbox" under the Message Center section.
          What are you actually missing when you click on "Inbox"? What isn't there?
          vBulletin Support


          • #38
            Originally posted by Racerkyle20 View Post
            Mike- Wondering if you guys have had issues with using hydroracer with mobile devices? I have an IPHONE and cannot get to hydroracer since you started making changes. Granted using hydroracer on a smaller mobile device has never been ideal, but now I can't even get on your page. Suggestions? Is that part a work in progress? Just thought you should know. Thanks.
            The site should load fine on an iPhone running iOS6 or later.

            Try this:
            Settings > Safari

            Click both of these:

            Clear History
            Clear Cookies and Data

            Then restart the phone.
            vBulletin Support


            • Racerkyle20
              Racerkyle20 commented
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              I think that helped. I can get on it now. I think my other issue is my phone had saved as this Not sure why, but that particular sequence link does not work any longer. But at least I can get on my iphone again. Thanks.

          • #39
            Originally posted by vBSupport View Post

            What are you actually missing when you click on "Inbox"? What isn't there?
            Mark, I am missing the entire incoming message. What shows is MY outgoing message, but not the incoming response. I send PM to JoeBoatracer, and that's what shows, but JoeBoatracer's response does not show. As I said, one time I somehow managed to have Joe's response come up, (in "see more," below my PM to Joe), so I know that there was in fact a response to my PM, but I now cannot re-read that response from Joe, which I did not delete, to my knowledge, nor can I read any of the Inbox messages that I have saved.

            And again, the whole site loads real slow for me, so slow that the whirly gizmo and the "loading" message go out, and the thing just sits and stares at me until I go back and try again, maybe in some different manner.


            • #40
              Mark, I'm going to send you a PM now. Please send one back, just as a test item.


              • #41
                I am noticing that the loading seems to speed up after I have been on the site for a while . . .


                • #42
                  Originally posted by Smitty View Post
                  I am noticing that the loading seems to speed up after I have been on the site for a while . . .
                  That may be caching...if your browser is emptying its cache whenever you shut it down, then it'll need to re-cache stuff the next day.
                  vBulletin Support


                  • #43
                    Originally posted by Smitty View Post

                    Mark, I am missing the entire incoming message. What shows is MY outgoing message, but not the incoming response. I send PM to JoeBoatracer, and that's what shows, but JoeBoatracer's response does not show. As I said, one time I somehow managed to have Joe's response come up, (in "see more," below my PM to Joe), so I know that there was in fact a response to my PM, but I now cannot re-read that response from Joe, which I did not delete, to my knowledge, nor can I read any of the Inbox messages that I have saved.

                    And again, the whole site loads real slow for me, so slow that the whirly gizmo and the "loading" message go out, and the thing just sits and stares at me until I go back and try again, maybe in some different manner.
                    May be worth sending me a PM with your forum password so I can log in and see what you're seeing.

                    At the moment - site will be a bit slow, I'm currently rebuilding the search index to try and fix a minor database issue.
                    vBulletin Support


                    • #44

                      It's a three stage process in effect.

                      You click the "Messages" link - this takes you to a preview of your messages. If there's nothing NEW, this will be empty. If there is new stuff, you can go straight to it from this screen, ignoring the "inbox" step below.
                      You click "Inbox" - click the link from the left hand side. This shows you a preview of all PM "threads" you have in your inbox. This is a change to previous behaviour, messages are no longer individual and stand-alone, they are now personal threads, a bit like in the forum. The inbox view shows you the title and the first few lines of the FIRST message in the thread.
                      You click the title of the actual message - this will take you to the message "thread" where you'll see the conversation between you. You can reply by typing in the reply box at the bottom (just like a thread in the forum)

                      It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you get the hang of it it's actually a lot better, as you can easily follow messages.
                      vBulletin Support


                      • #45
                        seems as if the "PM" section has been reduced and not as big of storage anymore? It says my PM section is full and cannot send anymore, unless I delete half my saved messages....


                        Team Darneille



                        • Mrs blueskyracer
                          Mrs blueskyracer commented
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                          Daren, see Marks note below. Make sure you are emptying your trash. I guess I had better go do the same. Teresa