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Where Do You Go?

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  • Where Do You Go?

    There was a segment on the Today show this morning about how people waste time at work on their computers visiting Facebook and Twitter. I am retired so I don't waste work time on Facebook or Twitter. Actually I never waste time on Facebook or Twitter as I don't have an account with either one.

    However I waste my time on Hydroracer, BRF, AMOCI, ebay and Cummins Diesel Forum.

  • #2
    Hydroracer every lunch,,, every evening and twice a day on week-ends.
    Also in the evening and week-ends:::: ebay motors,,, ebay for golf stuff,
    NBRA webb-site,,,,,,, expedia,,, priceline,,, yahoo real estate in zip 33912,,
    and ebay depression glass,, which would be grandma's dishes.


    • #3
      Hey, I also spend my off season, bore'd, time .....(Lots now cause I jist re-tire'd).......on all those sites cause I'm A "Prattle-Boy"/"Hydro-Winer" who's also a control/attension freak who do's not have a REAL LIFE anymore and is try'n to keep a leg up on everyone I can't do FACE-TO-FACE!! . ....YEP!!...........(Studied "Stir'n-da-pot" under Alex da MAD Russian!)

      I watch E-Bay with Racing in seach under boat parts and hyroplane in boats for sale....Both searches in my favorite's list......

      Thak being said,......I have a cummin's diesel 1989 and am look'n for another exhaust manifold cause mine is "Shrink'n" and now leaks!!......Lose'n boost!!!!
      Do's(real werd??) that site have a tech link and is tha'rr a fix??.....Found a use'd one at a local salvage yard and it too is "shrunk" from years of heat exspansion/shrink'n after cool'n,etc............Heard there's a replacement one with exspansion joints but EXSPENSIVE!!.......?.....Link to the Cummin's site?

      Tanks,.......100N/Steve French........."How do-ya like me NOW">>Toby Kieth

      Time fer my seasonal Fall/Spring , Bi-polar meds.......Punksatawny Phil says;.."Spring is HERE!!".....and "PUT ME DOWN!!">Punk'sy Phill
      Attached Files
      Last edited by STEVE FRENCH; 02-08-2013, 01:41 AM.
      100N STEVE FRENCH > Nobody can hang with my STUFF!! >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tna3B5zqHdk

      SEEEEEE YAAAAAA!!............In my WAKE!! .............100N>>


      • #4
        No twitter, or is that no #twitter 4 me. I do visit facebook - it's a giggle.

        Up in the AM I grab coffee and check Pilotweb to see if my airport peeps have issued any NOTAMs. Hydroracer, of course, along with with Phlogredux for my Librul fix, and B&B Yachts forum on Messing-about, CLC forum, Wooden Boat forums, etc etc.

        Many windows open at work. Two windows for flightaware so I can track incoming flights, and - not a website - WORD so I can type various documents for the FAA since word crafting is a lacking skill in eastern Carolina. Very lacking since they rely on me to do the word crafting. Oh yeah, some days I have a NWS Radar window to keep an eye on the weather.

        Only time waste at work is hitching up my pants to keep them from falling off my skinny butt since I'm carrying my cell phone, the airport emergency ARFF phone, a radio, and on weather days a lightening detector. Instructions on the lightening detector says it works much better if you hold a golf club up in the air, but alas I own no golf clubs.

