Well where to start on this one, your reply deserves a response as you see the same thing I see today is how to get the younger people involved! This is the question for more than just APBA it goes for civic groups and great organization such as the lions club, Elks Lodges, even political groups.
I tried to get people thinking with my first post (that everyone jumped on me for comments on running for the BOD for change). I have talked to serveal younger memebers here in our neck of the woods and they pretty much have the same concern that they will never be able to be elected and feel they as 1 person will not be able to effect change.
This is why as you mentioned the YOUNG TERKS that came along when APBA was in a disasterous state years ago they organized behind the scenes and then came with a strong group of SUCCESSFUL business minded people and secured votes that would insure success in election counts. These BUSINESS MINDS pulled the APBA from disaster and canceled long trem contracts and leases that were pretty much done the same way the current leaders are doing with driver schools, spec boat project, and the crown group. This bunch of, as you say young leaders (some were over 30 trust me I know them all) but they had a vision and a plan.
Looking back there is always a history lesson that can be learned form past experiances and this issue is no differant. The problem is the "LEADERS BEHIND THE SCENES" who are still pulling the strings today choose to file a law suit as they saw that the YOUNG TERKS movement was gaining speed due to the success of their efforts and membership was growing, there were NEW SERIES organized and racing within APBA and scations were up cost were down expensive contract were canceled (not with out a fight) but a fight worth doing to turn the ship around.
Upon seeing the success and the fact that the "behind the scenes group" may loose control the famous "Seattle Meeting Suit" was filed and members were basically lied to about the plan and made to believe this group of YOUNG TERKS had gone to far and neede to be stopped!
Well as I said history is a good thing it teaches those who pay attention lessons in hopes that the same mistakes are not made twice.
Also smart leaders will tell you that second chances don't come about to often and you should take advantage of them when they happen!
The YOUNG TERKS had a great plan and proved they could and did save the APBA from disasterist times and cost of operating the business.
Again let's revisit the successes:
Memebrship growth. New Racing series, increased Santions, reduced expenses, lower cost of doing business, and lower insurance cost!
The issue now as you state is where is the next group of YOUNG TERKS???
Well unfortunately those who are large and in-charge and chose to derail the great busines plan that was in place (many will argue that it was not good only because it did not serve/benefit the few that wish to be in control) that would have allowed for a professional racing group and sportsman racing group under 1 banner APBA that would generate income and entice corp. sponsors into the professional side allowing monies to reduce cost and support to the sportsman racing group.
I AGREE THIS IS SIMPLIFIED A BIT but if you could gather the YOUNG TERKS and have a meeting today I think the majority of current memebers would see that they were on the right track and their plan would have had APBA in a much stronger position today than it currently is!
So with that being said back to your point, (WHO ARE THE YOUNG TERKS TODAY) I don't think they are out there, not that there are not smart people with good business sense available let me be clear on that!
There just to many people involved that only wish to focus on protecting their "special interest" and not looking at the big picture, the "me" thinkers will always drag down the "WE" thinkers if there is no strong leadership with a good busniess mind and sense guiding the ship!
The issue is APBA got the second chance and the leaders (not the members as proven we have no say) chose to return to the business plan of yesterday and what was a successful thriving racing program is now broke, loosing memebership, declining sanctions and high insurance cost, declining series racing, and poor investment in programs that have had 0 return on investment!
In closing I hope you don't feel I have bashed you here with this post, I have been involved for many years with the sport offering help where needed, volunteering when asked and working to put on and support races.
I wish I could see a brighter future for APBA but as I said earlier in this post, some one chose to throw away the second chance that came along, and history will soon prove this fact and provide another lesson for all to learn from.
I tried to get people thinking with my first post (that everyone jumped on me for comments on running for the BOD for change). I have talked to serveal younger memebers here in our neck of the woods and they pretty much have the same concern that they will never be able to be elected and feel they as 1 person will not be able to effect change.
This is why as you mentioned the YOUNG TERKS that came along when APBA was in a disasterous state years ago they organized behind the scenes and then came with a strong group of SUCCESSFUL business minded people and secured votes that would insure success in election counts. These BUSINESS MINDS pulled the APBA from disaster and canceled long trem contracts and leases that were pretty much done the same way the current leaders are doing with driver schools, spec boat project, and the crown group. This bunch of, as you say young leaders (some were over 30 trust me I know them all) but they had a vision and a plan.
Looking back there is always a history lesson that can be learned form past experiances and this issue is no differant. The problem is the "LEADERS BEHIND THE SCENES" who are still pulling the strings today choose to file a law suit as they saw that the YOUNG TERKS movement was gaining speed due to the success of their efforts and membership was growing, there were NEW SERIES organized and racing within APBA and scations were up cost were down expensive contract were canceled (not with out a fight) but a fight worth doing to turn the ship around.
Upon seeing the success and the fact that the "behind the scenes group" may loose control the famous "Seattle Meeting Suit" was filed and members were basically lied to about the plan and made to believe this group of YOUNG TERKS had gone to far and neede to be stopped!
Well as I said history is a good thing it teaches those who pay attention lessons in hopes that the same mistakes are not made twice.
Also smart leaders will tell you that second chances don't come about to often and you should take advantage of them when they happen!
The YOUNG TERKS had a great plan and proved they could and did save the APBA from disasterist times and cost of operating the business.
Again let's revisit the successes:
Memebrship growth. New Racing series, increased Santions, reduced expenses, lower cost of doing business, and lower insurance cost!
The issue now as you state is where is the next group of YOUNG TERKS???
Well unfortunately those who are large and in-charge and chose to derail the great busines plan that was in place (many will argue that it was not good only because it did not serve/benefit the few that wish to be in control) that would have allowed for a professional racing group and sportsman racing group under 1 banner APBA that would generate income and entice corp. sponsors into the professional side allowing monies to reduce cost and support to the sportsman racing group.
I AGREE THIS IS SIMPLIFIED A BIT but if you could gather the YOUNG TERKS and have a meeting today I think the majority of current memebers would see that they were on the right track and their plan would have had APBA in a much stronger position today than it currently is!
So with that being said back to your point, (WHO ARE THE YOUNG TERKS TODAY) I don't think they are out there, not that there are not smart people with good business sense available let me be clear on that!
There just to many people involved that only wish to focus on protecting their "special interest" and not looking at the big picture, the "me" thinkers will always drag down the "WE" thinkers if there is no strong leadership with a good busniess mind and sense guiding the ship!
The issue is APBA got the second chance and the leaders (not the members as proven we have no say) chose to return to the business plan of yesterday and what was a successful thriving racing program is now broke, loosing memebership, declining sanctions and high insurance cost, declining series racing, and poor investment in programs that have had 0 return on investment!
In closing I hope you don't feel I have bashed you here with this post, I have been involved for many years with the sport offering help where needed, volunteering when asked and working to put on and support races.
I wish I could see a brighter future for APBA but as I said earlier in this post, some one chose to throw away the second chance that came along, and history will soon prove this fact and provide another lesson for all to learn from.