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Keep A Eye Out for Shipping Wars, Next Wednesday 12/19/12

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  • #16
    Good Television

    The show is 'good tv'.............but what gets me is for $4100 bucks i would think Uncle Ron could have found one of his 'shop guys' to trailer the boat to Ohio for half that??..........but then again it is TV and you can't believe any of what you watch, just sit back and enjoy the show!


    • #17
      When the lady stopped to adjust the straps on the boat, she noted that her straps were still tight, but the straps that the men fastened had come loose.
      Anyone with common sense knows you can't just blame the straps that are slack. It may have been the straps at the other end that let loose, allowing the boat to shift.
      I mean c'mon, she barely knew how to use a ratchet strap, but somehow did a better job than the boat racers at the other end of the boat?


      • #18
        Originally posted by rball82 View Post
        I started to post on here last night after the show but was too upset. Yes she did open up trailer and readjust, and good thing she did.
        Mark the whole show is scripted, edited and prepared for TV. While certain portions of the show might actually be real its a reality TV show made to entertain. Its scripted all the way down to how tight her tshirt needs to be in order to get ratings.
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        • #19
          Originally posted by Matt Dagostino View Post
          The show is 'good tv'.............but what gets me is for $4100 bucks i would think Uncle Ron could have found one of his 'shop guys' to trailer the boat to Ohio for half that??..........but then again it is TV and you can't believe any of what you watch, just sit back and enjoy the show!
          Actually Matt, that was a fair price. Prices are going higher starting at beginning of the year. My accountant made it very clear what we are in store for this year across the board.
          Mark O'Brien


          • #20
            There Is Very Little Reality In "Reality TV"

            We had a 34 foot enclosed trailer that we drove all over the place, and once, we had a strap break, other than that, our boats never moved....I enjoyed every second of the show, really......But think about it, they had a great shot of the CHP pulling them over....There is litle "Reality" in "Reality TV".

            And, I may need to see the replay, but wasn't the spare tire under the boat???

            We had people at the house, so I didn't really see it in total...But I did see APBA, Signature Propellers, Boatracingfacts.com and some SST 60 racing....

            It can't be bad for boat racing......


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ron Hill View Post
              We had a 34 foot enclosed trailer that we drove all over the place, and once, we had a strap break, other than that, our boats never moved....I enjoyed every second of the show, really......But think about it, they had a great shot of the CHP pulling them over....There is litle "Reality" in "Reality TV".

              And, I may need to see the replay, but wasn't the spare tire under the boat???

              We had people at the house, so I didn't really see it in total...But I did see APBA, Signature Propellers, Boatracingfacts.com and some SST 60 racing....

              It can't be bad for boat racing......
              The wife and I said the same thing what is that tire under the boat trailer tongue for.
              Mike - One of the Montana Boys

              If it aint fast make it look good


              • #22
                Originally posted by blueskyracer View Post
                The wife and I said the same thing what is that tire under the boat trailer tongue for.
                She did say she didn't have a spare (which she did in the trailer by the front of the boat), but also didn't have a jack. She seems like someone who can't do a lot by herself anyway.

                I was a little upset with her talking crap about the CA boat folks. It's clearly for ratiings, especially on A&E.

                And $3000 to transport isn't terrible. I bet gas was around $1000-$1200 from CA to OH. Got to make money some how. Driving from WA to midwest every year is usually, depending on gas prices, around $2000 round trip.

                Anyway GO MARLEE!
                Kyle Bahl

                "He didn't bump you, he didn't nudge you, he rubbed you, and rubbin' son is racin'!"

