Originally posted by Racerkyle20
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APBA members it is time to get answers!!
Diddly squat
The only thing wrong with this Thread is that not enough new people are posting on it. This thread has been one great discussion, and it shouldn't be cut short. It should continue right on up until we board a bus to attend the national meeting in January. There has been much aired out here. At times, we have seen where someone's rhinoceros mouth has overloaded their hummingbird-assand they have been called on their statement and forced to recant or perhaps offer proof.
This is not bad. Gossip and innuendo have been exposed in front of this audience. This is good. I, being like many of you are not always ready or able to refute some of these questionable "facts". However, having read the newspaper ( HR if you will ) we may now be better prepared.
And, let's remember how relatively small-time we really are. We are Mom & Pop.We don't have 'Boat Builders' to buy from.... we have some folks who will build you a boat. We don't have motorcycle manufactures courting us... we have a couple sources for motors.. on a sunny day. We do not have Freddie Spencer, Kenny Roberts, Danica Patrick, making big bucks... we've got Tony Lombardo, Abby Pond, Joe Pater, George Stillwell, and Billy Allen carrying the flag.... for free.
So... every time WE... US.... you and me... come up with some crap that increases the cost for the Mom's and Pop's and kids... it pisses me off.
Got yer APBA Proxy sheet handy? See where it says "Candidates for Board of Directors"?? Make sure you write my name in.. here, I'll spell it for ya:
And if yer looking for a friggin bio... just click on APBA-Racing NEWS, somebody wrote one for me.
Originally posted by jpro60 View PostHoward,
I have seen nothing positive suggested out of you toward APBA's future if I wrote your name in. In fact, all I've seen is a bunch of bickering and stamping of people's feet. This whole "Sea-Tac" thing is CLEARLY in the past and can not be changed now! Enough about that garbage. What exactly is your plan to make APBA a better organization? What positive changes do you hope to affect? How about a 5, or even 3 point plan of what you would do if in a position of power? You've made it obvious that your first order of buisness would be to look at the APBA books.
That's all fine, but THEN WHAT?
I challenge you to tell me, and everyone else, what is your vision for APBA and what POSITIVE idea's do you have?
Unless I get an actual answer, I assure you that I won't be writing your name on my ballot.
Region 10 racing member since 1962, past commodore, race chairman, board member, raced stock, mod and pro divisions. Mod commissioner for region 10 approved official for all divisions of APBA. Board member of amateur hockey association, bachelor degree in automotive science and worked in the automotive industry manufacturing sales and service divisions.
Issue I will work on to effect change:
The propeller magazine can be produced more effectively with reduction of cost allowing for distribution for all members. There is wasted cost in current distribution of the magazine. I get 4 copies at my home, this is common issue with current magazine distribution. The propeller can be produced in a PDF format allowing 3 color pictures and graphics. The PDF can be sent to bid for printing and mailing by national/regional print businesses. The print company awarded the bid would get 1 page free ad space for offset of printing expense. For online members and those who wish to receive it electronically can check box on membership form to opt out of the mailing process. It can be then distributed on the social media site as an attachment PDF file. This has been very successful in the distribution of the SOA news letter for years. The distribution would be 1 per month for May – Sept. and every other month in Nov., Jan and March.
2. Contracts:
All contracts will be year to year, no long term multiyear contracts. Quarterly reports will be provided to membership via social media/propeller article on contract cost, progress of programs and return on investment VS expense. Expenses, including payments to company/ies and persons for the programs and ROI tracking of all contracts approved.
All contracts will be reviewed bi yearly for effectiveness and will require a 2/3rds vote of approval by APBA BOD and Region Chairmen to be continued. All contracts will be effective Jan. – Dec. of the current racing season.
Any rental of office space, equipment, or assets of the APBA will be based on current cost of rental, hourly rates, or lease rates for items used or rented. Office space in the APBA office will be rented based on average cost per square foot of office space in the office location. Any phone or equipment for such offices will be separate from any APBA office equipment or billing.
Insurance coverage will be put out for bid each year. Any insurance group will be considered for bid process, and all persons/brokers and fee payments for services will be made available to the membership upon approval of insurance package, in the quarterly expense and income report. If a multiyear insurance bid is submitted other interested parties bidding for the APBA insurance package will be given opportunity to submit same multiyear package. The multiyear package will require 2/3 vote of approval as spelled out in item 2 (CONTRACTS above).
Any APBA racing series, group, and or division that receive monetary benefits from APBA affiliation for purpose of racing or holding races allowing UIM sanctioning for non US events will pay APBA 10% of the total funds received from the events promoter. Non willingness to provide APBA the monetary distribution for the affiliation benefit will be denied membership/affiliation with APBA. NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED ON THIS ISSUE.
Funds from this affiliation distribution will be designated for use as per below:
a. Reduction of insurance cost regionally based on # of races held.
b. Reduction of the printing/production cost of the propeller magazine.
c. Elimination of the $25.00 additional membership fee imposed for the social media project.
Originally posted by jpro60 View PostHoward,
I have seen nothing positive suggested out of you toward APBA's future if I wrote your name in. In fact, all I've seen is a bunch of bickering and stamping of people's feet. This whole "Sea-Tac" thing is CLEARLY in the past and can not be changed now! Enough about that garbage. What exactly is your plan to make APBA a better organization? What positive changes do you hope to affect? How about a 5, or even 3 point plan of what you would do if in a position of power? You've made it obvious that your first order of buisness would be to look at the APBA books.
That's all fine, but THEN WHAT?
I challenge you to tell me, and everyone else, what is your vision for APBA and what POSITIVE idea's do you have?
Unless I get an actual answer, I assure you that I won't be writing your name on my ballot.
R10 # 1487
Originally posted by hshawwpba View PostHoward Shaw, Bio for board of director:
Region 10 racing member since 1962, past commodore, race chairman, board member, raced stock, mod and pro divisions. Mod commissioner for region 10 approved official for all divisions of APBA. Board member of amateur hockey association, bachelor degree in automotive science and worked in the automotive industry manufacturing sales and service divisions.
Issue I will work on to effect change:
The propeller magazine can be produced more effectively with reduction of cost allowing for distribution for all members. There is wasted cost in current distribution of the magazine. I get 4 copies at my home, this is common issue with current magazine distribution. The propeller can be produced in a PDF format allowing 3 color pictures and graphics. The PDF can be sent to bid for printing and mailing by national/regional print businesses. The print company awarded the bid would get 1 page free ad space for offset of printing expense. For online members and those who wish to receive it electronically can check box on membership form to opt out of the mailing process. It can be then distributed on the social media site as an attachment PDF file. This has been very successful in the distribution of the SOA news letter for years. The distribution would be 1 per month for May – Sept. and every other month in Nov., Jan and March.
2. Contracts:
All contracts will be year to year, no long term multiyear contracts. Quarterly reports will be provided to membership via social media/propeller article on contract cost, progress of programs and return on investment VS expense. Expenses, including payments to company/ies and persons for the programs and ROI tracking of all contracts approved.
All contracts will be reviewed bi yearly for effectiveness and will require a 2/3rds vote of approval by APBA BOD and Region Chairmen to be continued. All contracts will be effective Jan. – Dec. of the current racing season.
Any rental of office space, equipment, or assets of the APBA will be based on current cost of rental, hourly rates, or lease rates for items used or rented. Office space in the APBA office will be rented based on average cost per square foot of office space in the office location. Any phone or equipment for such offices will be separate from any APBA office equipment or billing.
Insurance coverage will be put out for bid each year. Any insurance group will be considered for bid process, and all persons/brokers and fee payments for services will be made available to the membership upon approval of insurance package, in the quarterly expense and income report. If a multiyear insurance bid is submitted other interested parties bidding for the APBA insurance package will be given opportunity to submit same multiyear package. The multiyear package will require 2/3 vote of approval as spelled out in item 2 (CONTRACTS above).
Any APBA racing series, group, and or division that receive monetary benefits from APBA affiliation for purpose of racing or holding races allowing UIM sanctioning for non US events will pay APBA 10% of the total funds received from the events promoter. Non willingness to provide APBA the monetary distribution for the affiliation benefit will be denied membership/affiliation with APBA. NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED ON THIS ISSUE.
Funds from this affiliation distribution will be designated for use as per below:
a. Reduction of insurance cost regionally based on # of races held.
b. Reduction of the printing/production cost of the propeller magazine.
c. Elimination of the $25.00 additional membership fee imposed for the social media project.Michael J. Mackey
Lola Boatwerks Factory Foreman
Pavlick Race Boats Factory Driver
Yamato Aficionado
I'm with Mackey, you have missed the most important issue. The rest of it is not even worth talking about until we can sustain current members & add new racers. By the way, it's not just Perman & Eddie who won't vote for you. After seeing this, who would write you in instead of Dean? His explanation of what direction he wants to go seems much more logical?
What do you suggest we do to "jump start" growth & add new members consistently?Last edited by jswain3; 09-06-2012, 07:43 AM.Team Red
Howard / Bill V.,
Or anybody else with questions about the Crowne project. Call Richard. He's a really nice guy and has all of the answers. You may not get along too well with lawyers, but Richard is a businessman.John Runne
Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.
True parity is one motor per class.
It's RACING, not just another boat ride!
NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.
Originally posted by csh2z View PostHoward / Bill V.,
Or anybody else with questions about the Crowne project. Call Richard. He's a really nice guy and has all of the answers. You may not get along too well with lawyers, but Richard is a businessman.
Without meaning to come down on you personally, I do not know how many times I need to make my position clear on this whole Crown deal. I could absolutely care less about how nice a guy Richard is, how obnoxious Eddie can be, or how much the whole Hearn family has done for boat racing in general and APBA in particular.
And as Eddie pointed out, If I join APBA again if I am so curious and call Richard or APBA headquarters and get some information, all will be fine. THIS WAS BEFORE MARK WHEELER POSTED HIS REPLY TO OTHER REQUESTS FOR THE SAME INFORMATION. THE REQUESTERS WERE TOLD THE INFORMATION WOULD NOT BE GIVEN OUT!!! I think this tells me more about the contract than anything he (Richard) could say to me.
Also as I posted previously, R. Steven Hearn has as part of his platform for election to the BOD that he is in favor of "open and transparent" or similar wording about APBA'S dealings with the membership, although he even has an "escape clause" in that line if you read it closely. Something about it would not apply to folks who have done their bit for APBA or similar.
I suggested previously that they (the Hearn family) might want to get together and agree on just what it is is meant by these postings, and also I think it would be great if all other present members of the BOD and active candidates make their feelings known about this.
As was brought up on the APBA Social Site, the MEMBERS are the ones who pay APBA's bills, never mind the seemingly low esteem they are held in presently by management/APBA's President, with the refusal to answer several very simple questions. I will list several below. Anyone who has additional ones feel free to chime in.
1. What is the total cost of the Crown Contract, and over what length of time?
2. What is the total scope of work, i.e. what are they going to do, and over what length of time, and what is the cost of each separate part of the proposed work.
3. Are there any guarantees for the membership regards the contract, i.e, how many new members will this effort buy, are they going to phase out the Propellor altogether, or is the plan to print some forever, or go altogether digital?
4. Are there penalties, or other ways APBA can be assured of getting their monies worth, or is it just take it or leave it?
5. Was the contract put out for bid from other companies in the same business as Crown?
You or anyone else may think I am being picky about the whole Crown deal, BUT any company with a BOD and members who pick up the tab for the operation of same, are deserving of answers to these type questions, and many other regards insurance, etc, and I think have a right to the information, because APBA exists SOLELY FOR MEMBERSHIP BENEFIT!!
I really do not understand why the BOD that evidently approved this contract did not foresee the potential firestorm this would bring about, firstly because of the rumored amount ($250,000.00+) and also the total secrecy regards the questions asked above, and the Hearn's family involvement with the contract and Eddie's comments about it on this thread. ALL THAT HAS DONE IS ADD TO THE PROBLEM.
That some are surprised at that says more about them than it does about the folks asking the questions, and adds to the idea a lot of the members have about WHY ARE THESE QUESTIONS sTILL BEING ASKED AFTER 1 1/2 YEARS, WITHOUT ANY ANSWERS.
Why are they hiding this information that should be, as R. Steven Hearn says in his platform for the BOD, "open and transparent"????
ADD: I asked these same questions and made the same comments after Eddies last post several days ago. I evidently hit a nerve/stumped him/embarrassed? him/or found him lacking for words(impossible) as he has not posted here since. Any others interested in his answers besides me??
Just saw this on facebook for anyone interested.
Please join us tonight for our first APBA Communications Committee meeting at 8 p.m. EST. Call 1-877-885-3221 and enter 1198730 for the password. We look forward to hearing from you.
What I do find intersting is I couldn't find it on the APBA website."Ask anyone, I have no friends. I do have some people that put up with me and mostly because they like the rest of my family"
Don Allen
What do you suggest we do to "jump start" growth & add new members consistently?[/QUOTE]
Here's a suggestion from a guy who once thought he was only putting off joining APBA until he saw if the new 302SSH class was going to make it.
Question : Would you want to buy a ticket for a cruise if you could look out the window of the travel agency and see the ship at the dock apparently taking on water?
With few other sources of info to contradict, the view of APBA being presented on this forum sure looks like the old submarine with screen doors!
I've been to a few races, even worked at one and enjoyed it.
I thought that many of the SO classes seemed to present only a race for 3rd place or lower since it was obvious that a few folks could afford a little better quality "stocker " than the rest. Thus my interest in a TRULY stock class..
From a marketing perspective ; think about the product you are offering. It may in fact cure cancer, eliminate poverty and put an Aston Martin Vanquish in every garage, but if it looks and smells like old dead fish, you're still gonna have a tough time persuading the prospective buyer to get out the checkbook.
The MHRA drivers schools are a bright spot. Learn from them.
At this point, if the NBRA had the 302SSH class and was active in Florida, with their lower fees and (seeming) lack of infighting, I'd be tempted to go that way.
The contact I've had with Howie Nichols is one of the few things making me want to give APBA a shot.
Play nice with each other. Show the world a smiling face of APBA. If you have issues with someone, go to them in private and give them a chance to make it right.
When you bring it public, pride gets in the way of a solution.
Now let's see who is first to prove they weren't paying attention by shooting the messenger! :-)
Bob in Florida
Originally posted by jeff34f View PostVery well said. I really wished that this much effort, time wasted, and energy could be put toward something positive for a change. We are all at fault for the state of boat racing as we know it. For such a love for the sport that we enjoy enough is enough!
R10 #1487
Originally posted by csh2z View PostHoward / Bill V.,
Or anybody else with questions about the Crowne project. Call Richard. He's a really nice guy and has all of the answers. You may not get along too well with lawyers, but Richard is a businessman.
If they put it in writing they may have to actually be responsible and no be able to say " that's not what I said".
r10 # 1487
Originally posted by hshawwpba View PostWhy is he against putting it in writing for all to read, this flies in the face of what is going on with the so called great communication tool we are paying for. No current officer will publish the facts, they will supposibly tell you if you call ever wonder why????
If they put it in writing they may have to actually be responsible and no be able to say " that's not what I said".
r10 # 1487
Thats true Howard.. The Crown project is to give APBA a internet presents.. Internet is stuff you read so a phone call should not be needed..It should all be in black on white for all to read and refer to..Mike - One of the Montana Boys
If it aint fast make it look good
Aint no one-man show
You've got a lot of great sounding ideas, but I think you're overlooking the fact that you're only 'one' person, and not a current member at that.
Certainly you should have enough experience to know that: "One man" isn't going to walk thru the doors of the poobah nation and everyone will drop to their knees. Nope... more likely, you'll effectively piss-off the girls in the office and they'll quit!You'll be left standing there with yer-dik-in-yer-hand soda-speak, and nobody to do a darn thing that you want done.
It's been good reading your posts and the responses. But, APBA isn't comprised of a bunch of morons and that includes poobah HQ. New ideas are definitely needed, but their presentation and implementation requires a modicum of diplomacy not the BSI* approach.
I agree tho.... you should 'sit back' for a year and go clean some carburetors.
DSH 12A the Mad Russian
Commissioner, Stocks
Region One
*BSI: Brute Strength and Ignorance