I have not had much luck at shipping powerheads via UPS.
One of my 102 powerheads is in Lambertville, NJ , and needs to come north.
I will be at Standish, ME, May 22-24th, and could be at the AOMCI meet
at East Sydney Dam, NY on May 08th (I88, 50miles east of I81).
I would be happy to compensate any one who may be coming this way to pick it up for me.
One of my 102 powerheads is in Lambertville, NJ , and needs to come north.
I will be at Standish, ME, May 22-24th, and could be at the AOMCI meet
at East Sydney Dam, NY on May 08th (I88, 50miles east of I81).
I would be happy to compensate any one who may be coming this way to pick it up for me.