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Pat's new knee

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  • Pat's new knee

    My wife has had good enough blood counts to be able to receive two new knees this summer and winter. Last year she went to 4 races with me throughout the summer. Now when she goes she will be able to walk more and further without pain. So far with a CT Scan every 3 months and bloodwork every month the cancer is showing no activity. Thank you for your continued prayers.

    David Everhart S52
    David Everhart S52
    Avatar credit - F. Pierce Williams

  • #2
    Great news!

    Great to hear your wife is getting better. Hope to get the chance to meet her this racing season. It was nice to meet your daughter at the Hillsdale race this past fall.

    Look forward to seeing you and that new runabout work it's way thru the field this year. Take care Dave.


    • #3
      Hi Dave- Was wondering how Pat has been doing. Great to hear the cancer activity is nil. She has been my prayers daily.
      Sure do miss the boat activity in the mid west. All the best to you in the new season.

