New under every post is the ability to add video comments using your built in web cam or desktop web cam.
Seesmic will accept authenticated or anonymous video comments so no need to sign up for anything.
Want to leave Yvonne a video comment on her new title? give it try! just click on the add comment link on any post.
<img src="" alt="Video comment" title="Video comment" width="650" height="338" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-567" />
Seesmic will accept authenticated or anonymous video comments so no need to sign up for anything.
Want to leave Yvonne a video comment on her new title? give it try! just click on the add comment link on any post.
<img src="" alt="Video comment" title="Video comment" width="650" height="338" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-567" />