I heard the horn from our mail carrier, she handed me this rather large box. I usually know what's coming, but had no idea what this was about. I opened the box and found a Looper clock! I made three of these clocks, gave one to the Christner family in honor of their father, O.F. I also gave one to Ted Miller and made one for me. I gave mine away to raise funds for a racer who was fighting cancer and was glad to do it, I consider the man a great friend! I only made three of those clocks featuring DA BEAST, thinking I'd never see any of them ever again after giving mine to the auction. In Ted's will, I guess he wanted me to have his clock, it was kinda of an overwelming moment.
R.I.P. Ted, we will meet again, very soon!
R.I.P. Ted, we will meet again, very soon!