APBA has announced the dates January 22nd- 25th, 2014; and the place in Reno Nevada of the 2014 Annual meeting.
The meeting will be held at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. Rooms start at $60 and transportation to and from the airport is free.
Reno is a great little town although it has been awhile since I have been there. Airfares are generally very affordable from anywhere in the US so there should be no excuse not to attend and have your voice/vote heard.
The meeting will be held at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. Rooms start at $60 and transportation to and from the airport is free.
Reno is a great little town although it has been awhile since I have been there. Airfares are generally very affordable from anywhere in the US so there should be no excuse not to attend and have your voice/vote heard.