As the APBA Tohatsu Chairman I would like to Thank Ed Hearn and the parity committee for the 1/2 inch height ruling.Its a good start.
I think we will be able to work with it.
This was the proposal we presented to the national meeting in L.A. this Febuary.
A big thank you to the Mod Commission for hearing us at the national meeting as well to make the tohatsu A legal motor in the Mod division.
I know you will see D-Mod grow now with the tohatsu being a big part of it.
Thanks Again
Russ Bircher 45-R/151-R
I think we will be able to work with it.
This was the proposal we presented to the national meeting in L.A. this Febuary.
A big thank you to the Mod Commission for hearing us at the national meeting as well to make the tohatsu A legal motor in the Mod division.
I know you will see D-Mod grow now with the tohatsu being a big part of it.
Thanks Again
Russ Bircher 45-R/151-R
