This is information sent from Larry Palmer, with one of the AOF clubs in New Jersey. More AOF clubs who race on Coast Guard waters may want to check into this. Contact the AOF National Office for more information.
Message is as follows:
We just attended a work shop with the 5th. District of US Coast Guard. //// Due to new Homeland Security, new regulations and requirements. Any one who is holding a maratime event on any waters that involve the Coast Guard. [ jurasdiction and or on site race support ] must apply 135 days in advance of the requested scheduled Event. Check with your local Coast Guard district for forms to file and regulations. This new regulation is Nation wide.
Message is as follows:
We just attended a work shop with the 5th. District of US Coast Guard. //// Due to new Homeland Security, new regulations and requirements. Any one who is holding a maratime event on any waters that involve the Coast Guard. [ jurasdiction and or on site race support ] must apply 135 days in advance of the requested scheduled Event. Check with your local Coast Guard district for forms to file and regulations. This new regulation is Nation wide.