The ballots are in and counted. Your line up of AOF officers for the year:
President: Rod Black (WA)
VP Competition: To be named (Rod held the position last year, so this position will be filled at the National Meeting. If You are interested, email me)
VP Technical: Howard Pickerell (NY)
Treasurer: Jay Roesner (MN)
Secretary: Denise Pearson (WA) Denise has asked to relinquish her postion for personal reasons. Secretary will be filled at the National Meeting. If you are interested, email me)
Safety Director: Kevin Martin (WA)
Historical Division: Albert Snell (TX)
Directors (If a district has not reported to me, please do so soon)
Marshall Eldredge (FL)
Carl Staron (F)
Erik Petersen (NY)
Robert Duncan (PA)
John Snell (TX)
Ralph Cook (MS)
Tylane Hebert (LA)
Bob Snider (MO)
Terry Payn (IA)
Rick Miller (OK)
Chris Henning (WA)
John Pifer (ID)
Dennis Westby (WA)
Tom Matteson (ID)
Steve Dunn (SC)
President: Rod Black (WA)
VP Competition: To be named (Rod held the position last year, so this position will be filled at the National Meeting. If You are interested, email me)
VP Technical: Howard Pickerell (NY)
Treasurer: Jay Roesner (MN)
Secretary: Denise Pearson (WA) Denise has asked to relinquish her postion for personal reasons. Secretary will be filled at the National Meeting. If you are interested, email me)
Safety Director: Kevin Martin (WA)
Historical Division: Albert Snell (TX)
Directors (If a district has not reported to me, please do so soon)
Marshall Eldredge (FL)
Carl Staron (F)
Erik Petersen (NY)
Robert Duncan (PA)
John Snell (TX)
Ralph Cook (MS)
Tylane Hebert (LA)
Bob Snider (MO)
Terry Payn (IA)
Rick Miller (OK)
Chris Henning (WA)
John Pifer (ID)
Dennis Westby (WA)
Tom Matteson (ID)
Steve Dunn (SC)