Here is the current Hotel Information hot off the press!
2716 N Mac Arthur Drive
Alexandria, Louisiana 71301
(318) 473-8900
Att: Donna Bibby
(mention APBA Winter Nationals)
Price: Singles and Doubles $65.99 ea
Please make your reservations right away. Registration for boat racing will be on Thursday, March 19 and Driver's meeting is Thursday at 7:00 p.m. We will race Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Some of you may remember we had problems with the hotel telling people they were booked before they really were. This is a different hotel, but if you have these problems, please let me know.
Sanction has been submitted. A few people have to take Referee's test and the record course has to be approved. As soon as it has been approved, we'll post it here. Ed Hearn.
2716 N Mac Arthur Drive
Alexandria, Louisiana 71301
(318) 473-8900
Att: Donna Bibby
(mention APBA Winter Nationals)
Price: Singles and Doubles $65.99 ea
Please make your reservations right away. Registration for boat racing will be on Thursday, March 19 and Driver's meeting is Thursday at 7:00 p.m. We will race Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Some of you may remember we had problems with the hotel telling people they were booked before they really were. This is a different hotel, but if you have these problems, please let me know.
Sanction has been submitted. A few people have to take Referee's test and the record course has to be approved. As soon as it has been approved, we'll post it here. Ed Hearn.