My day began at 630am, getting all ready to go to the pits one more day. I was honored to be christening photographer for Austin Joseph Dell Jennings. What a beautiful morning with a slight breeze and Austin was dedicated by his parents Alex and Lisa.
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Saturday Finals,Pits and Awards
At the awards banquet tonight I looked around at the room and realized that those in attendance were the heart and soul of this wonderful sport. Each person in that room has contributed a great deal of time, money, blood sweat and tears to be involved in this sport. I also realized that I actually spoke to almost all in the room at one time or anothe that past week. I just want to say to all of you, Thank you. This sport is hard to understand from an outsider, but when you are on the inside, what a wonderful feeling it is and how easy it is to understand the life of kneel down racers.To those who are already traveling, going home, or off to another race please be safe in your travels. I want to be able to see each and everyone of you once again.
Signing off until the next race.....
Rachel Gallagher is telling me that Jackson has decided he wants to leave and to leave NOW. He wants to drive immediately back to New Jersey to go to bed. Followed by Matt holding Jackson, whispering to give Mom a break or she is going to blow....
and end it with a few other pics of my favorite driver.
Whew, I am beat. Night everyone.