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'09 Grass Lake Nationals fast approaching...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tomtall View Post
    The Pre registration is for your pit space. Not for APBA race registration. Sorry I didn't make that clear. Due to the size of the park the layout of pit space has been professionally surveyed and marked off for trailer spaces. There is a on-line application (at MHRA web site) to fill out ragarding information about your race programs size,# of crew, trailer size ect. This will help the club with maximizing the area of the park to its best potential. Move in starts on Sat. the 25th of July at noon.
    Tom, the pre-reg for pit stalls was explanined clearly (and taken care of), so thanks. Just curious if ON-LINE pre-reg for entrys is gonna be available?????? It always saves a LOT of time having ON-LINE pre-reg........especially for the scorers........
    Last edited by mercguy; 07-05-2009, 03:44 PM.


    Team Darneille



    • #17
      Pre Reg.

      As stated in the APBA sanction.

      Registration 7/26 (Sun.): 12pm - 5pm at Grass Lake Township Hall 7/27 (Mon.): 9am - 12pm at Grass Lake Township Hall

      Send Entries To - Please do not send.
      Last edited by Tomtall; 07-05-2009, 12:51 PM.
      Tom L.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tomtall View Post
        The Pre registration is for your pit space. Not for APBA race registration. Sorry I didn't make that clear. Due to the size of the park the layout of pit space has been professionally surveyed and marked off for trailer spaces. There is a on-line application (at MHRA web site) to fill out ragarding information about your race programs size,# of crew, trailer size ect. This will help the club with maximizing the area of the park to its best potential. Move in starts on Sat. the 25th of July at noon.

        speaking of pit stalls, I do have a quick question (or request) for the person in charge of this.............whom do I speak to? thanks


        Team Darneille



        • #19
          Nationals pit assignment

          Dean Sutherland is the best contact for pit assignment questions.

          In case you don't have it here is his #734.546.2656



          • #20
            does anyone have a good GPS address for the race site or the campground

            thanks Pete G 17N


            • #21


              Race site: 308 N. Lake Street, Grass Lake, MI 49240

              Apple Creek Campground: 11185 Orban Rd., Grass Lake, MI 49240

              Information can be found at www.michiganhydroplane.com



              • #22
                Originally posted by jeff55v View Post
                I really want to race DSR at the closed course nationals and I'm trying to fit it into my budget.
                I highly doubt elims will need to be run for this class. Is there any way I can come for just a day or two to race and then leave? I can skip the trap shooting, golf outings, dinners, banquets, media days, etc.
                Do I have to commit an entire week to race a couple heats?

                Here's another one with fear of commitment...
                Twisted Sister


                • #23
                  Originally posted by L. Allen View Post
                  Here's another one with fear of commitment...
                  I often tell myself I need to be committed to be in this sport.

                  My question has been taken care of. Thanks to the race committee for their help.
                  Sorry for sounding bitter about the event. I really am looking forward to Grass Lake. My campsite and pit reservations have been made.


                  • #24
                    'Grass' Lake

                    The weed treatments are doing wonders. I'm not sure it can be called Grass Lake anymore
                    Retired racer turned bartender


                    • #25
                      Weed treatments????
                      Tell us more.

                      Two weeks and counting...
                      Let's hear some chatter!
                      Twisted Sister


                      • #26
                        Hey, I had weed treatments back in the 60's and 70's and look what they did for me!


                        "No, THAT is why people hate him."


                        • #27
                          What? You have sponsons growing outta your head?
                          Twisted Sister


                          • #28
                            An injustice!

                            So at Constantine I was handed a race program for Grass Lake. Here I am thumbing thru it, looking at all the photos, classes, and class sponsors. I see so many great sponsors like, Brown Tool and Machine, Wendy's, Amsoil, Lifeline jackets, and so on. Then I look at my own class (DSR), and I see it's being sponsored by Wild Sanitation. Great! So many wonderful sponsors, and we get stuck with the Shi**er company! So was this blind luck? Or is somebody trying to make a statment here?
                            So does the National champ get to take home a port-a pot?


                            • #29
                              DSR Sponsor

                              Hello Jeff,

                              Rest assured, the class sponsor is not going on the trophy. However, Porta cans are one of the largest expense items for a nationals. The folks at Wild stepped up and significantly cut that expense. In turn that has allowed us to buy everyone free pizza, beer and provide great live music on Wed, night. We are happy to have them as a class sponsor. When you are tipping one of those free beers think Wild Sanitation. I am just glad we will have enough DSR to take advantage of having another class to sponsor.



                              • #30
                                Jeff I thought all you DSR drivers went and used one of those before your first heat. so you wouldn't do it later

                                "The Coffee Guy"
                                TEAM CAFFEINE
                                Cranked up and ready to Roll

                                Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles. It empties today of its strengths (Corrie ten Boom)

                                "Cup of Joe? Not no mo! Kevs Coffee is the only way to go!" (John Runne 09)
                                " IF you can find a better cup of coffee... Kev will drink it!" (Michael Mackey 08)

