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Sharptown, MD Construction Update

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  • Sharptown, MD Construction Update

    Pictures from Bill Znaniec of new construction along shoreline at Sharptown, MD, thanks Bill for getting these for us

    A few of them were taken with a cell phone camera and are kind of hard to see but you can get the general idea of what the shoreline looks like now

    Hopefully I attached these pictures the right way, if not, sorry

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Sweet! Janet & Bill!
    Earl 11 J........ Dangerous when Wet Runne Craft- Earl said, " Driving a Runne Craft is like Cheating". Dude, ........ Where's My Boat!


    • #3
      Good or Bad?

      Looks to me like the shoreline will be all rip- rap. If that's the case guess we will never get to smell the ole pickle factory again


      • #4
        Looks like there are gaps in the boulders. We pit out of more constricted areas than that! I would love to combine efforts with Region 4 to bring this race back, what a great site. What can we (Region 3) do to help for the future Janet?
        Future J dad!


        • #5
          We will be back next year ... the construction was the only real problem, same at Wilson


          • #6

            As Sam indicated, we could not go to Sharptown this year due to park construction - mainly because grass was being re-planted in the pit area where everyone parks, we could not go in there and mess up the new work.

            Bill Znaniec said there are 4 sandy beach openings in the rip rap so access to the water should not be a problem.

            VERY IMPORTANT - KEEP IN MIND FOR NEXT YEAR - For scheduling purposes for 2010, many years ago, the Coast Guard designated the last Saturday and Sunday in June for the Sharptown race. It is best to keep to the Coast Guard's schedule, although the Coast Guard will try to accommodate a request to change the race date if necessary. That would be June 26-27, 2010. The Coast Guard application must be submitted 135 days prior to the race date. Thus, the Coast Guard application would be due February 11, 2010. The Sharptown race date needs to be confirmed at the Fall 2009 club meeting or by January 2010 so that I can get the Coast Guard application submitted in time.

            Region 3 - please try to keep the June 26-27, 2010 date open for Sharptown if possible when scheduling your races for 2010, we really need you guys to be able to attend!



            • #7
              I stopped in on my way by the area at noon today.

              They are still in mid construction, but the general situation for next year is fantastic.

              I will get pics uploaded later this evening, but here is the general idea:

              The paved parking area is essentially DOUBLED now, taking over the former location of the Portapotties and old swing set - back to the boat ramp entrance road that loops around the backside of the hill. The new Portapotty location is a few steps farther away on the entrance road (don't know if this is permanent). This whole new area is being graded FLAT. Except for being in the direct sun, this will be excellent RV parking.

              The 3 breaks in the stone riprap are each a different size and all 3 are graded to the lawn with a nice gentle slope and filled with new clean sand. One closest to the pier is only wide enough for one boat to get thru at a time, the one on the far end is wide enough for 2 or 3 boats at once and the center one is the biggest, about 25 feet wide. With the cement fishing boat ramp included, there are a total of 4 places to launch and recover, easily 10 or 12 boats at the same time.

              Some of the trees along the shore have been removed, but about half of the trees remain so there is still some shade at the waterfront. These are semi mature sycamores that can live another 150 years if they don't get stressed. Some of the grass area between 2 of the beach area/openings is filled with sand ... well up into the lawn. This will take away from some of the waterfront pit parking, but the new paved area more than makes up for it.

              Nothing is changed at the pavilion, piers, launch ramp, flag pole or new playground area up by the bridge (except for maybe a few new playground items, it is still small and toddler-friendly).


              • #8
                Region 3 will keep the last weekend in June '10 for Sharptown. Any support you need just let us know.
                Future J dad!


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Sharptown Update

                    Today my wife and i put the pleasure boat over just down river from Cherry Beach in Sharptown and we actually beached the boat in one of the cut out spots and there is well more than enough room for boat carts to roll down between the rip rap piles there are actually 6 spots about 12 feet wide and better to roll boat carts through to the beach area in front of them.
                    Actually all it would do is make for designated areas to roll carts in the water and it looks like to me it is completed.
                    So as far as having a race there the rip rap is not a problem.

                    Tim Lee

