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New Race on Schedule in Region 4

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  • New Race on Schedule in Region 4

    All Region Stock, Modified & J Stock OB Teams/Drivers - Keep an eye on the Web Sites. We have a new race in the works on September 26-27 in Manteo, NC. Details are still in the works and are not final as of this date. The Members of Carolina Cup Regatta in Elizabeth City, NC have been asked by those in Manteo to help them set up a race there this year. Information will also become available at as it becomes available.

    Elizabeth City will also have their scheduled Inboard Race on June 6-7, 2009. This will be the "New" "International Cup Regatta" sponsored by Carolina Cup Regatta, Inc.

    Hope to see you there! Bob Kaldahl - Vice Commodore

    More information lower in the thread that also includes Roanoke Rapids.
    Last edited by Flint54; 01-29-2009, 03:18 PM. Reason: I wanted to make this for 2 new races not just one

  • #2

    Did "we" race there back in the late 60's or early 70's? If I recall correctly, Harry Shiffman raced 250 and 350 hydro and was from this area.
    David Weaver


    • #3
      On what body of water will this race be held?


      • #4
        I believe that it will be in the bay off of Festival Park. As I stated details will be upcoming and I do believe that it will be in the same area as the old races were held. Unfortunately I was not in the area back in the 60-70s era. I grew up in the midwest and became a flying shallow water sailor in 74. Retired in 95 here in EC which was after Andrew blew us out of Cutler Ridge area in 92.

        Thanks for the responses and I'll be posting more as we get it final.

        L.E. Outlaw will be at the APBA Meeting in Raleigh, NC starting this Wednesday (Inboard Driver of Miss Outlaw E-310) he is our Commodore. If you attend and get a chance look him up. Due to my state job I will not be able to attend.

        Take care and hope to see a good number of you there for a rekindling of the event. Bob K.


        • #5
          Up-Date on New Races

          New information on the Manteo, NC Race September 26-27, 2009 is tentative awaiting sanctioning on the APBA event calendar. This event will be for Stock, Modified, Pro Hydro & Stock, Modified & Pro Runabout. This will also be a J Stock event.

          Additionally - ******** Another NEW Race is tentative awaiting sanctioning on the APBA event calendar. This is in Roanoake Rapids, NC on June 27-28, 2009. This is being scheduled for - Inboards, Stock & Modified Hydros, Stock & Modified Runabouts & J Stocks. A very busy weekend.

          Please drop a line to me as a PM or to the Carolina Cup Regatta at

          Thank you for your time and Looking Forward to hearing from you and Seeing you at these new venues. Take care, be safe and stay as DRY as possible.

          Bob K.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Flint54 View Post
            New information on the Manteo, NC Race September 26-27, 2009 is tentative awaiting sanctioning on the APBA event calendar. This event will be for Stock, Modified, Pro Hydro & Stock, Modified & Pro Runabout. This will also be a J Stock event.

            Additionally - ******** Another NEW Race is tentative awaiting sanctioning on the APBA event calendar. This is in Roanoake Rapids, NC on June 27-28, 2009. This is being scheduled for - Inboards, Stock & Modified Hydros, Stock & Modified Runabouts & J Stocks. A very busy weekend.

            Please drop a line to me as a PM or to the Carolina Cup Regatta at


            Thank you for your time and Looking Forward to hearing from you and Seeing you at these new venues. Take care, be safe and stay as DRY as possible.

            Bob K.
            Thanks Bob this is great news for region 4, please feel free to contact me via PM if I can help promote these two races on HR using banners etc.
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            • #7
              It would be beneficial to contact the Stock & Mod Region 4 representatives as soon as possible if you could. The Stock Rep. is Ian Augustine and the Mod Rep. is Dave Augustine. They would have to sign off on these events.
              John Runne

              Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

              True parity is one motor per class.

              It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

              NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


              • #8

                Thanks for the info, I believe that L.E. Outlaw spoke with them during the initial planning. I will make sure that this did happen or will be sure to have it done ASAP.

                If you can PM me their e-mail contact info.

                Thanks & Have a Great Season! Bob Kaldahl


                • #9
                  No need for the contact info. Both are aware and involved. In fact I was just informed that L.E. will be at Dave's tomorrow afternoon.


                  • #10
                    It is in good hands. Thanks
                    John Runne

                    Stock Outboard is all about a level playing field.

                    True parity is one motor per class.

                    It's RACING, not just another boat ride!

                    NOT a representative of Racing Outboards LLC.


                    • #11
                      Maps of new race areas using Google Maps.

                      Here are maps of the bodies of H2O of the Roanoke Rapids course area and the Manteo area in North Carolina.

                      ROANOKE RAPIDS, NC

                      <iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";s=AARTsJqzARj-Z8VnW5pkPMLMmZbqrJcYpw&amp;ll=36.479241,-77.675786&amp;spn=0.016563,0.027466&amp;z=15&amp;o utput=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=";ll=36.479241,-77.675786&amp;spn=0.016563,0.027466&amp;z=15&amp;s ource=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

                      MANTEO, NC

                      <iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";s=AARTsJqzARj-Z8VnW5pkPMLMmZbqrJcYpw&amp;ll=35.901844,-75.663528&amp;spn=0.066744,0.109863&amp;z=13&amp;o utput=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=";ll=35.901844,-75.663528&amp;spn=0.066744,0.109863&amp;z=13&amp;s ource=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

                      Stay Tuned.


                      • #12
                        OK, exactly where would the pits be at Manteo?


                        • #13
                          We will be getting this out as soon as details are completed. Still have some time to do this. But there is a ramp and pier on the western shore just south of the Museum the pier looks like part of the letter F at a slant (Use Satellite view). Like I started to say, not all is yet final.

                          Stay Safe. RK


                          • #14
                            Update Manteo

                            We now have a verification that this race will now also have Vintage scheduled so all the dusty boats its time to get wet!! Also you will be able to add a little bit of seasoning!!!


                            • #15
                              Things to consider

                              Originally posted by Flint54 View Post
                              We now have a verification that this race will now also have Vintage scheduled so all the dusty boats its time to get wet!! Also you will be able to add a little bit of seasoning!!!
                              You will probably loose numbers of actual race boats if you do not promise to not run any "Vintage" until after current race classes are finished for each day. Might be interesting to watch, but it would be a burden to the racers and race committee.

                              Also many "Vintage" division boats are crane launched, if the entry fee covers the crane, Stock, Mod and PRO won't turn out well either.

                              If you are talking about "Stock Classic" that's a little different

                              Side note: If you can provide a fresh water spray down area where motors and boats can be desalted each day, that would probably attract a few more racers. Most of us are accustomed to racing on freshwater; the fact that the race site is saltwater is a big drawback by itself.

                              Just trying to add constructive criticism to make this a great race, hope it is taken with the same view.
                              Last edited by sam; 02-11-2009, 06:05 AM.

