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Racing the rain at Lock Haven Regatta

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  • Racing the rain at Lock Haven Regatta

    Racing the rain at LH Regatta

    By JIM RUNKLE - jrunkle@lockhaven.com

    LOCK HAVEN — As Tropical Storm Ernesto lumbered out of our area and headed toward Ontario this morning, the Lock Haven Area Jaycees decided Friday’s rains won’t stop today’s Labor Day boat races.

    Some of the region’s streams are expected to overflow their banks Sunday. The extent of that flooding remains uncertain. Predictions from the National Weather Service office in State College changed frequently Friday evening.

    One thing is certain — The impact of Ernesto is expected to linger long after its disappearance from the region, in the form of rising stream levels and flooding Saturday evening into Sunday.

    Local emergency officials are watching the rivers and streams, and are making preparations for a quick response, should it be necessary, to respond to flooding in the county.

    Flood stages can be expected to be reached between Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning on Bald Eagle Creek at Beech Creek station, and in the traditional low elevation areas of Renovo and Lock Haven.

    Predictions late Friday called for a rapid rise in the Susquehanna River in the wake of Ernesto. The best estimate for Lock Haven is that the river will crest at 20 feet at approximately 8 a.m. Sunday.

    Should that occur, the River Road on the Island Route will be covered by water, and the high rise will curtail boating activities at the Lockport boat dock.

    The river at Renovo is expected to crest at 14 feet about 8 a.m. Sunday, with low level flooding of some areas. Bald Eagle Creek at Beech Creek is expected to crest at 11 feet Sunday at 8 a.m., with a negative impact on low level areas nearby and the Cottage Lane area of Bald Eagle Township.

    According to Labor Day Regatta officials, the competitions could be limited to Saturday depending on river conditions — But the arts and crafts fair, festival food, live music and carnival rides will continue Saturday, Sunday and Monday, just as they always have.

    “The races are a go today,” Jaycee racing chairman Scott Johnson said. “We’re not so sure about Sunday and Monday. We’re keeping a close and watchful eye on the river.”

    “We don’t cancel Labor Day,” Johnson said. “That just doesn’t happen. We’re hoping for a couple of good days, but we’ll have to see what happens. The boaters can race even if the river is high and it’s raining, as long as they can see and there’s no debris on the river.”

    “Our major concern is when the river flows above 18 feet,” Johnson said. “That’s when it starts flooding out the Woodward side ... and of course that’s where most of our racers are located. We do want to make sure we have ample time to get everybody out who needs to get out before that occurs. We’ll make the call (on a second day of racing) Saturday night .

    The local boat race is one of the largest boat regattas on the East Coast, and most boat racers consider the Lock Haven event second only to The Nationals.

    “I have to credit the boaters this year, they said the want to race as long as they can,” Johnson said. “They are placing everything in our hands.”

    “Our game plan is to get at least one day of racing in Saturday,” Johnson said. “We’ll be updated this morning and we’ll know more at that time, but our plan is to go as scheduled for one day, at least, and keep eye on the river.”

    Just how much impact the rains might have on the scheduled races for Sunday and Monday remains uncertain. The Jaycees will be making an announcement later today. Johnson emphasized that regardless of what might occur with the Susquehanna, the rest of the Labor Day activities will continue all three days.
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