Originally posted by Richard K.C. Mo.
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APBA-AOF Kilometer Time Trials
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Spokane Appraiser
Originally posted by Richard K.C. Mo.What was the order of finish per boat not class, if anyone knows that,or was each class started individualy?
Richard F.
Originally posted by pro350hydroBoth wheel or gear ratio can cause this, but in this case I bet it was Air/Fuel Ratio. Or it could have been a combination of wheel and air/fuel ratio.
RichardKCMoRichardK.C. Mo.
Bricklayer ?
Originally posted by Dave MI have known Bryan for quite a while now, and I was thinking he might be skerd to pull the pipe............ hehehehe. Maybe not, he certainly pushed the throttle on his SEH (FEH) in Mod.
So Bryan, how does it feel to set the Kilo at J speeds ?sorry man, could not resist. Long ways to travel and money on a piston, but still....... sounds funny.
RichardF.RichardK.C. Mo.
Good water
Originally posted by Richard K.C. Mo.I notice the comment !good water!, curios as to what that is ?
I have seen races off the pier at Swan Creek Mi., now that was good water.
I have also been to a place called Trenton Channel , to me thats Good water. guess it's relative.
Richard F.
Good marathon water: If you can keep the throttle wide open, it is good water.
125 R Problems
First of all, I have to thank everyone for the great time and race. The hospitality was as warm and welcoming as the water and weather wasn't.
These are the comments and problems with our 125 runabout.
The 125 is a great challenge. EVERYTHING has to be perfect with this engine. Some find this a hindrance, some find this a challenge. Brian was very lucky and got pretty good at racing stock and mod. The PRO 125 isn't as much about skill as it is about man against machine.
We were planning on being in Oroville on Friday morning early for some test time to calibrate proper set up, jetting, etc. Unfortunately, the weather stopped us twice at mountain peaks due to blinding snow. Once we reached Oroville late Friday afternoon, testing was out.
So, Brian proceeded to run on Saturday morning for the kilo. He had never even seen the course and he was second up. Bob Wartinger was first, but proved how much smarter he is as he did not even attempt to make a run in the very chopping windy conditions. You could not see the course from the pits, so everything was a guess as to where to go, where the traps where, etc. If I remember right, Brian missed his mark and came in. Second try all we heard from the pits was thump roar, thump roar, thump roar. He was actually jumping waves. He had to also feather the throttle to keep it even running. I believe that is when he finally made the 44 mph run. The third time he changed a jet size and burnt a piston. (See what I mean about man against machine).
Once back to the pits for the final time we discovered broken pipes and a lot more broken parts. This little engine and the little boat took a very hard beating in the rough “sea”.
Brian changed a piston and rejetted, etc. However, the cost of each session is $100. Yes, Richard, Brian is a bricklayer, and makes good money when he works, but not a lot of work in Iowa for bricklayers in the winter, so, not wanting to throw more money away, and break more delicate parts, and with the advice of several knowledgeable people, we decided to wait until Sunday before another attempt.
Sunday was worse so everything was called off. Hence, Brian is stuck with a very embarrassing record. He should have done 70 easily. But, there is always another day, and another chance. The important thing is that we met some of the best people and visited with lots of old friends. We even got some site seeing done with the extra day.
All, in all, it was a good time.
Thanks again, region 11. Hope to see you all again.
Connie Payn
PS. the marathon racers are nuts!
Brains Run
Well I Was There And The Seas Were On And Off
Braian Ran A Good Run For What He Had And I Was Glad To
Watch And Hang Out Wiht Him And His Family
Congrats Brain Hope To See Yall Soon
Richard J Bird
Meanstreak Racing
83-c Feh/fer
Connie and Others...
Marathon Racers aren't nuts...it just seems that way...I will be in Debuque, Iowa, the Sunday before he Winter Nationals.. Bill Boyes are delivering a boat there...Are you going to the Winter Nationals??? If you aren't, maybe Bill and I can stop by and say, "Hello"...(We are also looking for Fat C parts...)...I'll be racing Fat C in the Seven Seas Marathon Series this summer...but I will be a sitting not a kneeling...
I might add, I have set a few kilo records in my life and trust me, setting any record is a BIG DEAL. Setting any record isn't easy. I once built a kilo only, D Stock Runabout...I could indicate 5 MPH over my record....and for five years I never drove that boat through a complete kilo..I tried and I blew it over twice (Trying to run down wind, then come back)...the other three times we got blown out.
At Modesto, 1977, in order to get the D Stock Hydro record you had to average 80.000 mph or more.... I went 79.990, 79.980, 79.9... the first three passes..It was getting dark...No one else wanted to run...They allowed my to pay another entry fee...There didn't appear to be any wind...but I could go 81-82 down and just could not keep the boat set on return...I made three more passes at 79.9.. (I never stopped just kept making runs) (Actually, that isn't true, as I stopped and asked if I'd broken the record...) Just at dark, (I knew I was low on gas, but if I went to the pits, they'd have flagged the race)..So, I went down at 84 something and on the return, ran out of gas just short of the end of the kilo..... They pulled me in after dark....but I had broken the 35 SS Runabout record and 35 SS Hydro record....Both were never broken...It was a proud time for me, as I had beaten out Bob Wartinger for the 35 SS Hydro record...
So, tell your son, a win is a win...a record is a record...and it ain't that easy!!! As I've said before, "I've quit Boat Racing more times than most have raced." After Jim Hauenstien was killed, I vowed to leave Boat Racing forever..But we're back, and we plan to stay.
Chad, my son, celebrated his one year anniversary of his return to Boat Racing with a 2nd place in the 45 SS Nationals, and a second in the SST 45 Short Track, series type racing (Actually won a heat...)....
Check this thread: http://www.boatracingfacts.com/forum...?t=2316&page=3 Darrell is heading for South America.Last edited by Ron Hill; 03-09-2006, 09:53 AM.
Poking Fun
I think most of us who poked fun at Bryan completely understand the conditions, and that he is capable of running a whole lot faster than J speeds.
I bet it was the fastest 44MPH ride he has ever been in. Poor kid..... hehehhe, probably gonna have to get his knees replaced at 40 years old now......... hehehe.
Take it easy Bryan, see you at Constatine this summer if you make it.Dave Mason
Just A Boat Racer
Originally posted by Dave MConnie,
I think most of us who poked fun at Bryan completely understand the conditions, and that he is capable of running a whole lot faster than J speeds.
DaveI always thought growing up would be cool, I was wrong!
The other day GG laughed at me because I take more pills a day than she does....
Dave M,
Your post made me laugh, because I wasn't worried about anything that was said about Brian. I just didn't like anyone picking on my cute little 125 motor. Oh my gosh, what kind of a MOM have I become? lol
Oroville was a challenge, that is for sure. I was told that when the weather cooperates it is a super site for breaking records, and I could see the potential. And truthfully, the Northern California racers were so nice and welcoming, the trip would have been worth it if we hadn't even gotten on the water.
I saw so much cooperation between clubs and divisions out there. All areas should take a lesson from region 11, especially Florida.
Can't wait for the next race, and no more picking on my baby (125 VRP).