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Visitor message from crfabbro2f


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Mrs blueskyracer
Mrs blueskyracer
Last Activity: 03-02-2024, 03:00 PM
Joined: 07-26-2008
Location: Thompson Falls, Montana

  • Visitor message from crfabbro2F

    crfabbro2F posted a Visitor Message for Mrs blueskyracer
    Hello, Hydroracer has been my “go to” for racing info for the past 12 years or more. I do donate every year and have no problem doing that.

    I do not want to see it go! Facebook is not a replacement for this site and everyone will quickly realize that if it goes away. I see very little activity on FB between the dozen pages on there. Throttled is probably the closest to being
    like HR, but still it doesn’t compare to what your site does.

    I hope everything works out,

    Chris Fabbro

  • Mrs blueskyracer
    Thank you for your support! There are a few that have simply said I should shut her down. I am hopeful that the next membership drive will refuel the coffers. I don't really want to see it go away either, but with all the referrals to the ABPA site for results etc, the facebook pages that most clubs use for instant gratification support for our beloved site seems to be dwindling. This was an expensive year with a change in hosting since we were hacked twice and a software upgrade that was long overdue. The hosting cost won't go away, the software upgrades can be somewhat controlled although they leave us subject to hacking if we don't do them regularly.
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