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APBA website????

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  • APBA website????

    is it just me or is the APBA website down??


    Team Darneille


  • #2
    I can't get the page to come up either. The National Meeting must have gone over buget and they didn't have enough left to pay for the service.


    • #3
      Go thru Yahoo....

      The link here must have a problem. Go into Yahoo and type APBA, the link in there will take you to the web page.

      Aroidaronus Peferctus

      You Figger' it out !

      Razorback Racing


      • #4
        Reset your favorites to this link



        • #5
          The official APBA website address has been www.apba-racing.com since 2001.

          During the interim, anyone still using the old www.apba.org was automatically forwarded over to apba-racing.com. It appears the old domain name - apba.org - has finally expired.

          I'll be preparing an E-Alert Newsletter (being sent currently to 2550 members) in the coming weeks with a reminder about this.

          (If you are a current APBA member and are not getting the APBA E-Alert in your email box every month, please let me know news@apba-racing.com , or contact APBA headquarters directly at apbahq@apba-racing.com )

          Also, I see comments regarding how to promote boat racing, and I would like to encourage everyone here who loves APBA boat racing, to submit something this year to the E-Alert, APBA website news, or the Propeller about your event, your driver, your club, your website, upcoming meetings., etc.. That would be a great New Year's Resolution!

          The APBA website often receives over 600,000 hits per month during the racing season. Even visitors from Austria, Russia, Belgium, New Zealand, Italy, France, even Portugal. But reports sent to the website are few and far between, even though the service is completely free.

          If you'd like to submit something for the Propeller magazine, contact Tana at tana@apba-racing.com.

          If you'ld like to submit something to the APBA website and/or the E-Alert newsletter, email news@apba-racing.com .

          There are some folks out there who regularly promote boat racing and the fun their groups are having - For those die-hard promoters, I say "Keep up the great work!"

          Really hope to hear from you this season.
          APBA website news


          • #6

            I think it woul dbe a great idea to have someone designated to do stories at the Mod races. I am not that good a writer, so I am not the right one. I tend to fly off the handle a little so they say. But I would love to see pictures, and results, maybe interview a new driver each month, etc. Mayb ABPA could send one of its own to the races to do the stories ? Probably not in budget but I like the idea.

            Most racers don't have the time to commit a full article and still be competitive and ready in their class, and in a a lot of instances more than one class.

            I like the Propeller magazine, but think there can be so much more in it. I usually read all the racing stories first, then move on to others. I love the Hall of Champions issue, it has a lot of pics, event hought the names get mixed up sometimes. Is there any way to get somebody to do this for the Mods ? Any budget ideas ?
            Dave Mason
            Just A Boat Racer


            • #7
              Hi Dave and others,

              I do like the idea of a designated PR person - I understand some categories are actually working on something like this.

              I certainly understand how busy the drivers are. And chairmen and officials too. They're already stretched thin. But how about a racer's brother? sister? daughter? wife? mom or dad? Someone who you can rely on to get the race results from the officials and then email it to the website with a couple of pictures? (name recognition included here..hint hint) Maybe add a couple of lines of interesting tidbits: Outstanding performances? Funny bloopers? New racers? Weather? Parties? "So-and-so did something hiliarious that's gonna stick with him for the rest of the season" ..etc. Doesn't have to be much.

              The Regions already have a reporter for the Propeller Magazine monthly columns, so I have avoided contacting them with additional burdens.

              As far as going to races, I attend various kinds of boat races all summer long, as many weekends as I can afford. But this is something I do on my own. I take my own digital photos, and often post to them website that same day. (Like I did when I came to Constantine).

              There are often 6 or 7 APBA sanctioned races per weekend during the summer - so a lot of races are being missed. I'm blessed to have a few friends (big fans) who help me out at a few of these races, but there is no budget to send out reporters or photographers, for the website anyway.

              Oh, and don't worry if you're not a good writer. Or speller. If someone sends me a cryptic recap of a race, I'll spruce it up. But color photos are what visitors like the most. I will resize and crop them for you too.

              I do want to thank the groups who do send a pre-race report or a post-race report and such. Some of these include BSOA, TCPBA, USTS, Chet from R/C Unlimiteds, Bill John of Vintage, Jeff Ayler from Inboard, Charles Green from St Cloud Offshore, and of course the various professional teams and series who have PR folks do a very good job too. I know I'm missing someone .... Keep up the good work!

              Even the littlest thing helps our sport -- The more the merrier!
              APBA website news


              • #8
                FYI - www.apba-racing.com is APBA's official Internet address.

                But I've just been informed that www.APBA.org is working again. Apparently it was something the server was doing.
                APBA website news

